Revolutionize Your Workflow with AI Tools for Content Creation!

today I'm going to show you a game-changing AI 
tool that has allowed me to create interactive   training videos effortlessly stick around let's 
just jump straight into the video This is Hot Shot   and as you can see these videos look incredibly 
High Fidelity but what if I told you that these   are actually all completely AI generated we can 
go through some of these right now and you can see   just how good this thing is what you're going to 
do is give it a prompt and then you can have these   created within a matter of seconds now this 
could range from food to animals to workplace   setting like you can see here the effects here 
we can see very nice wisps of smoke looks like   a perfectly good camera image and yeah we can 
see balls of flames in a market as another   example here really really high fidelity as 
we've said and high quality in terms of an AI   prompt product but what can you actually use this 
for well Hot Shot actually provide lots of things   including this incredible tool okay they provide 
templates they provide allowing quizzes throughout   your videos and they allow you to basically get 
high quality b-roll like you would say here so if   you were doing an interactive educational video 
about traveling you could prompt something like   this have it come up in a matter of seconds and 
then you've got that ready for your video for the   bck now let's just talk about how to actually 
make an account here all you're going to do is   come up here to the top right and then you can 
easily just sign up with Google and that is as   simple as it gets for creating an account 
and then straight away we are in as you can   see here are some examples of the videos it can 
make really really high quality stuff here and   then we're actually going to create one of these 
right now for the video so as you can see here   we are going to type into this box let's just 
say a cat sitting on a mat and then we're just   going to press generate video and then as you can 
see super super quick here it's literally going   to do this in a matter of seconds and this is the 
finished product so if we were selling pet food or   if we were doing an educational course or video 
about your pets you could throw this in the be   and it literally only took about 6 seconds to 
create this small click normally you're going   to have to pay a photographer for something like 
this or go on to one of these sites and find the   specific stock footage but this is royaltyfree 
and as you can see it looks very very realistic   from that point we can either regenerate copy 
the link to it if we want to send it to our   editor or something and we can also download it 
throw it straight into our editing software now   the free version is going to have a water mark 
here just behind me you can see that little water   mark coming through if you want to remove the 
water Marks here it's very very simple to do so   all you're going to do is upgrade and you can 
see very very cheap okay compared to hiring a   photographer or an editor or going on one of these 
stock footage platforms you can see for only $30   a month here just under you're actually going 
to get2 200 Generations every single month and   that's not limited per day you could use all 
of those in a day if you do have one project   okay and again guys 200 pieces of Photography you 
can use as b-roll in your videos for educational   content this is going to up the quality of your 
stuff so much more and a photographer is going to   cost 500 bucks an editor might cost 500 bucks so 
this really is a massive massive Innovation when   it comes to creating interactive content now 
there's a couple other things you can do with   this maybe you have a photo or you have a short 
video that you want to make longer or you want to   make better what you can do here is actually get 
a reference video here use up to a 9sec video as   a reference you can upload that and then prompt 
to see what you want changed or prompt to see   similar videos of the one you just uploaded this 
is just going to help you create more and more   b-roll that allows you to have varied content 
and up the quality of your videos so when it   comes to selling a course guys very very simple 
all you got to do is record yourself with the   camera all right and then generate tons and tons 
of these videos throw them in the software and   throw in a little bit of tutorials if it is online 
training and from that point you are good to go   you're going to have a very very interactive 
video with lots of Boll lots of different   Clips maybe you wanted to do more of a story 
driven video you can do so have some explosions   have some fire effects there's a lot you can do 
with this platform that is ridiculous when it   comes to it and you just saw by that example we 
just made guys right that was literally in a few   seconds imagine with a little bit more thoughts 
you could prompt this thing to basically create   any video what you want you've got a giraffe here 
walking through an airport okay you've got a cat   taking a selfie this is really Limitless when it 
comes to the stuff you can create so if you are   a free ancer that wants to create interactive 
courses or you have clients that need to make   videos like this this is going to massively 
improve your portfolio you're going to have   really high fidelity imagery on that profile that 
shows you're a really good video editor or that   shows you can create really good content that 
normally you would have to hire photographers   videographers and video editors you can do it 
all from this platform very very easily as I   said guys it's literally only $49 a month and as 
I said guys if we go to the upgrade section it's   literally only $29 per month and if you wanted 
to have unlimited Generations per month then it's   only $99 per month when you're talking about 
getting a client for 500 bucks you're talking   about putting out a course that you sell for 200 
bucks guys this is just incredible when it comes   to a profit model for your business has definitely 
helped mine and they do also have this free plan   where you can do three generations per day so if 
you want to check out hot shot definitely do so in   the description in summary here guys this is an 
AI video prompting tool that is the best on the   market as you can see here literally it has a guy 
sat on a cloud this is incredible technology and   you should definitely be thinking about using 
this in your videos cuz your competitors will   definitely be thinking about doing this as well 
so we're having this on such a cheap subscription   deal with our Link in the description you are 
going to be massively ahead of the competition   that's going to be it for this video have a 
fantastic day I will'll see you in the next one

As found on YouTube