Top 10 AI Tools For Digital Marketing in 2024

so AI has created a real divide in the agency 
industry at the moment some believe it's the   best thing to ever happen to us others believe 
it's going to be the end of the agency industry   within the next few months now I don't think 
either of those people are wrong neither of   us truly know what is going to happen but I do 
believe that AI will completely change the way   we work as agency owners forever starting from 
today I think that those who adopt the tools   that are available to us right now and don't shy 
away from this current technology will be the   ones that are more efficient make more money and 
just generally dominate their Marketplace so today   I'm going to be running through a whole bunch of 
different AI tools that I've been playing around   with myself that I think are really useful for 
agency owners right now that'll save you a ton   of time so I want to start off by saying that 
I believe that AI as it is right now isn't the   end-to-end solution I believe that what it does 
it saves us an awful lot of time on the things   that we are already doing doing within our agency 
so what it's not going to do is completely change   our service offering but it's going to make 
us an awful lot more efficient if you adopt   it right now so the first tool I want to show you 
guys is a tool called which essentially   allows us to use chat GPT native to our Google 
Chrome platform and so if we hover over any text   we hit this button here and if you go over to 
Google Chrome extensions you'll be able to find   Merlin and what it's going to do is it's going to 
take the context of this email here and I can ask   Merlin to write a response write a rejection 
at response to this email please okay and it   should give us a way of turning this person down 
thank you for your kind offer I appreciate your   enthusiasm and effort in creating a two funnel 
Ascension emails to my website however at the   time I'm not in need of any emails from my email 
list I'm sure that your emails will be very well   set for any business and I wish you the best luck 
and find in the right place put on email right   saves so much time so imagine when I mean first of 
all this is nice I mean I don't respond to people   that reach out and pitch Services purely because 
I get like 10 20 a day but you could use this for   your Outreach emails if somebody's responded with 
something that you're not quite sure to respond   with so maybe someone's got an objection for you 
and you say how can I handle this objection okay   we can actually give this some other context so 
let's just say for example give me an objection   handle for I need some time but try and get them 
to answer now let's see what they come back with   I understand that you need time however can you 
give me an approximate answer now so I know what   to expect okay it's like it's not too bad but 
like if someone says I need time I'd be like   what do you need time for what is it that you need 
to think about that we can't maybe talk through   right now that'll be a better objection handle I 
think this tool will be even more sophisticated   tools like this will be more sophisticated when we 
can actually automate responses entirely imagine   an AI tool and I really do not believe we're 
far away from this where we can plug it into   our email inbox and we can literally set it to 
automatically respond to anyone that pitches us   automatically respond to follow-ups automatically 
send follow-ups and it's essentially bot-based   email response on all kind of level as long 
as we set the right parameters that'll be very   interesting it'll save us an awful lot of time 
anyway moving on notion the product management   tool don't know if any of you use notion but if 
you don't already you really should be using it   in your agency especially if you're a new start 
agency notion is an incredible product management   tool and we use it for pretty much everything in 
our agency from to-do lists to managing finances   to onboarding clients actually the whole 
end-to-end management and product management for   our agency so notion now has an AI version okay 
or an AI facility it's actually in beta right now   if you've got an account no you can join the beta 
list and it's essentially chat GPT within notion   itself so when you're creating notion boards when 
you're creating to do this when you're creating a   post or Sops for your agency you can essentially 
ask the AI assistant to do these things for you   which is incredible there's a bunch of things you 
can do with that you can set meeting agendas you   can write social media posts you can buy pros and 
cons lists so on and so forth all the things that   you can really do on chat GPT but it's all 
in one place on notion which is where you'll   probably be managing your agency anyway again if 
you don't have product management tool I would   really recommend it now bear in mind guys I'm not 
an affiliate to any of these tools I'm going to   be running you through today okay I'm purely out 
of Interest I've been playing with these things   because we're always looking for ways to better 
optimize our agency and be more efficient next   thing I want to show you moving on to some salesy 
Outreach type tools is taplo or tap Leo sorry now   tap Leo is a lead generation tool on LinkedIn 
which will automatically engage your people and   send mass DMS to people on LinkedIn so it'll save 
you an awful lot of time if you're doing any kind   of LinkedIn Outreach which is a great platform for 
certain niches it's not suitable for every single   Niche out there but for some niches LinkedIn 
can be very profitable I used to use LinkedIn   awful lot in previous sales jobs and got a lot of 
really great results now I'm not going to log into   this tool some of these tools I'm going to show 
you but I'm not going to log into tapio because   I don't want to add it to my LinkedIn because I 
don't personally need to do LinkedIn Outreach on   my account anymore and so I don't want it like 
I don't add any unnecessary extensions onto it   but you can create lead lists straight from the 
criteria that you input and then you can highlight   all of those people and send them DMS in bulk 
which is awesome right it'll save you all the   time of copy and pasting these messages to other 
people but I would recommend adding some kind of   personalization line in these emails so it's 
not just generic copy and pasted drivel okay   you can then set up Auto DMS as well so it'll 
automatically DM people if say let's say they   comment on one of your posts I've got an idea for 
you you've got an agency and you're working with   chiropractors right well what about if you start 
putting out content which is helping chiropractors   get more clients for their practice right well if 
you start putting out content maybe you've got a   comment down below for more type call to action on 
one of your posts you can have somebody post down   below I don't know the word more and you can set 
an auto DM on this tool to automatically reach out   to those people and generate leads for you maybe 
it's sending me over a call booking page they   can schedule a call directly with your calendar 
and you can do that through automation without   having to go ahead and do that manually you can 
also integrate this with your CRM system which   is really important if you're not using a CRM you 
need to be using one okay so the next tool I want   to introduce you to is behuman dot AI this is an 
AI based video personalization tool where we can   record a video and then change it and adapt it 
based on our textual input so you can see here   we can basically change the name at the Sadler 
video we can change a product name or company   name as well and the use case here for smma owners 
is video Outreach it's no hidden secret the video   Outreach is a great way to secure meetings as 
an agency owner sending a quick selfie Style   video introducing yourself to a business owner and 
trying to get a meeting with them right but it's   gonna be very time consuming you're sending 
loads of videos again and again to loads of   different people maybe you've stumbled over your 
words or something you want to record another one   you can take an awful lot of time but using this 
tool we can record one good video Outreach and   we can dynamically update the name we can create 
hundreds of Outreach videos with just a couple of   clicks this is game changing and what's more is 
we can clone our own voice so it's not going to   use some voice actor to say these names we're 
going to go through a training process using they have their own training process 
we essentially go on there you have to read a   bunch of different text it takes a little while 
maybe up to half an hour for you to actually do   this and then it's going to learn your voice 
but after it it's done that when you create a   video it'll dynamically update your voice based on 
your textual input love it check out the use cases   on here as well there are a whole bunch of other 
things that you can do for this it's not just for   your agency and reaching out to people and getting 
clients yourself but you could also use this for   your clients let's say when someone signs up to 
their newsletter you could dynamically send a   personalized video that welcomes every new person 
that signs up to their newsletter by creating an   AI based video for them so check out behuman now I 
would say that right now it's a little bit clunky   based on my experience it's a little bit glitchy 
it is definitely possible you can definitely get   away with using it but this technology is only 
going to get better and better and better over   the coming weeks as AI is now so popularized 
the pressure is on for these companies to stay   at the top of their game or competitors will come 
along and so keep your eyes on be human because I   really think it's going to be a tool that many 
smma owners are going to be using or those in   the know we'll be using in the very near future 
up so the next tool I want to show you is brand   Mark and this applies to those of you who are yet 
to start your agencies so many people win a first   ordinary agency gets stuck on creating their logo 
building their name building their website out and   now thankfully there are a bunch of tools that you 
can use that I'm going to show you that'll get rid   of this time-consuming task okay and it'll stop 
you from procrastinating because a lot of people   just procrastinate on this now brand Mark I should 
actually just be able to show you this is a way   for you to create or generate a logo in your brand 
for your agency so let's say we want to name our   agency Swift Agency okay I'm just thinking off 
the top of my head uh we scale your ads fast so   we've got a bunch of inputs Okay so we've got our 
agency name and a slogan you don't need a slogan   but you can enter it in there brand keywords fast 
money advertising okay it could be a little bit   more thorough let's do simple color a simple color 
style it's now going to generate a bunch of logos   now what this is going to do is act as a base for 
our agency right it might not be the end logo that   we go for but it's at least going to give us some 
really good inspiration and if you're not graphic   design orientated you don't know where there's 
a skill then it's a really really nice place for   you to not make a cock-up of your logo so Swift 
Agency this is nice okay let's just go along   these not all of these are going to be good not 
all these going to be suitable but it certainly   is going to be something here that you resonate 
with I actually really like this I think this is   really really clean so let me go on this and if 
I click on this straight away I can scroll down   I can see this logo and a bunch of different use 
cases I can really Envision this as my company and   this is all AI generated and now if I hit edit on 
this as well I can change this I can add an icon   I can change the background colors the layout and 
so on and so forth and then I can export this and   if I want to I can send it to someone on Fiverr 
or I can edit it myself on Photoshop but this is   going to save us days worth of it's really going 
to save us the idea phase of creating a logo and   creating a brand for our agency and just enable 
us to stop procrastinating so we can focus on the   thing that really matters which is our service and 
actually getting clients I've actually got another   tool for you guys which takes this one step even 
further and this blew my mind I literally only   started playing around with this today this is 
durable and durable is a website generation tool   it literally generates an entire website and the 
content for you so if we generate your website and   we hit get started what business am I starting 
I'm starting a digital marketing business okay   we hit next what's the name of my business Swift 
Agency cool hit next now it's going to build out   this website for us okay so it's now writing a 
positive testimonial okay that's questionable   I don't know if you should you should Forge 
testimonials I don't endorse that writing a   paragraph about your business and so on here we 
go so it's literally creating an entire website   let's see done so less than 30 seconds has created 
a whole website for us so we can change our logo   to the previous logo we've got different colors 
on here as well but we can change all these colors   we've got our Tech swifters is a digital marketing 
business in Cape Town we offer creative effective   Solutions tailored to your individual needs our 
team experience professionals will ensure your   business reaches full online potential let us help 
you succeed awesome I've got a gallery here which   we can update with different images our services 
you can also go and change these and we've got   our contact form what's our services it will hit 
regenerate it's going to change this service says   for the sort of services apart here engagement 
shifted around to the other side of the screen   amazing and what this has done is what this isn't 
a polished website this isn't a an incredible   website by any means but for somebody that doesn't 
know how to design websites this saves an awful   lot of time now there is a button on here and I'm 
pretty sure it says yeah sign up to customize and   personalize your site you can then go and sign 
up to this I'm sure you're going to pay a very   small fee but you will then be able to change 
all of these elements and actually edit this   website as we would on Wix or Squarespace So Gone 
are the days when anybody can have an excuse for   not having a website when they're first starting 
their agency okay we just built one in 30 seconds   and I'm sure you want to spend a little bit more 
time editing it changing the colors and so on and   I'd recommend you do so don't just go with the 
website it's created for you that's pure laziness   and you're setting yourself up for failure but 
go ahead and play around with this cool let's   move on this is a tool called ad 
which literally AI generates ads for you based   on your input so you would connect your client's 
ad accounts to this tool it's going to learn all   of the best performing creatives and then go 
ahead and create tens and tens more iterations   of those exact creatives using an algorithm that 
learns exactly how to get you conversions on those   creatives as well so it's creatives optimized for 
sales and conversions which is so vital for small   agencies if you're a small agency you've signed up 
a few clients you've got somebody who's spending   thousands of pounds on a monthly basis it's going 
to come a point where canva designs just won't cut   it anymore so you need to get a graphic designer 
on board but you can't warrant paying a graphic   designer full-time wage and so you have to pay 
someone part-time which can be very expensive and   cost you hundreds if not thousands but you could 
use a tool like creative ad and you   can dynamically create tens and tens of different 
ads to test out for that client without having to   do any graphic design yourself or pay anyone to 
do it for you that's pretty incredible and we're   testing this out with a lot of our clients right 
now and getting some really really great results   so test it out especially if you're working with 
Ecom clients but it'll work for lead generation as   well so the next tool I want to show you actually 
connect three tools are all productivity based and   this isn't really AI but this is I just 
think this is a tool that anybody should be using   uh what this is is this is an accumulation of all 
of your messages in just one place so so many of   us use a multitude of different apps WhatsApp 
telegram messenger Twitter Instagram LinkedIn   and so on and so forth but what does is 
it compiles all of your messages from a number of   different apps into one place so maybe you can 
allocate one hour a day so just looking through   all of your messages and responding to everyone 
and this is something that I think I struggled   with for a long time I get messages from people 
from all different apps but it takes so much time   and zap so much time and going in different apps 
every single day and looking at messages you end   up missing people out and so on now you can add 
all of the most important apps to you into this   tool and then maybe just allocate an hour a day 
to actually going through them so you're gonna   better time management your text responses your 
email responses or whatever and you're also going   to filter out the share it and stop distracting 
yourself from stuff that you don't actually need   to respond to so that's just a quick hack for you 
guys I've got otter dot AI this is very cool uh   this is a zoom based uh add-in you can probably 
use this for other tools as well but what this   will do it will save you having to take notes 
when you're on Zoom it actually records all of   your Zoom calls and then transcribes them for you 
so it actually writes them out for you and then   you can go ahead and search through that content 
and have a look and come back to it at any point   so if you've got team meetings or if you're on 
boarding a client and you want to revert back   to anything that you've said in that meeting 
you can do that here without having to write   any notes off the back of the meeting itself so 
go check that out final one is very similar to   this final productivity tool it's called rewind 
dot Ai and as it says here so eloquently this is   the search engine of your life now I don't know 
about you guys but how many times have you said   something to someone on a call or you've typed 
in something in the internet and you wanted to   revert back to it at another time but you just 
simply cannot find that thing maybe you've had a   zoom call when on your team members or you've had 
a conversation with someone and you want to revert   back to it you want to look back on that thing 
well you can't search for that at the moment but   we're using a tool like rewind it does exactly 
that it'll track everything that you're doing   on your computer from the emails you're sending 
to the things you're searching on Google from   the things you're sending to your team members 
on slack or the things you're saying on Zoom to   clients and you can actually use one search box 
and search back through all of that content to   find the information that you are looking for I 
cannot count the amount of times that I've needed   to find an invoice last minute and it's stuck in 
some folder somewhere and my Mac is screwing up   trying to find it or I'm trying to revert back to 
a conversation that I had with a team member and   reference something specific that I said that's 
why we use rewind now so guys the overall theme   of this video and I know it's been longer than 
I anticipated it being is time saving exercises   it's really how to save time using AI because 
these tools enable us to do the things that we   are already doing but just a lot more efficiently 
and time is the most valuable resource that we   all have the more time we have the more [ __ ] we 
can get done the further ahead we can get now if   there are any tools that you've been using that I 
haven't mentioned today please drop a comment down   below so we can try them out and also very quickly 
before we finish I just launched a new guarantee   in our training program the athlone Academy I now 
guarantee that I can help you sign at least five   paying clients within three months or you pay 
me absolutely nothing so if you want to learn   about that then click the link in the description 
for the rest of you I'll see you all soon cheers

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