How To Blog & Drive Massive Traffic – 100% Free Course

the goals of this course are to help you understand the three ways to drive massive amounts of traffic i want to help you identify the best traffic strategy for you for your personality for your goals for your kind of style about approaching your business right this is going to be uniquely tailored for you and i want to help you create your own personalized long-term traffic strategy you see most sites don't get traffic because the owners are confused they don't follow through and they get distracted non-stop by shiny objects so any sort of dabbling in the new fad of the month tactic uh snapchat was a big craze for a while and it disappeared this that the other has shown up and disappeared i even got my start on myspace back in the day and that has completely disappeared but my wife and i have been able to generate tens of millions of visits because we focused in on these strategies these long-term strategies the lack of follow-through is big for most people to drive massive amounts of traffic it literally takes years to create now you can start to see results in a few months you can start getting good momentum after six months to a year but ultimately to start driving massive amounts of traffic it definitely takes years and you have to stick with one plan for several years to really maximize the results of your efforts constantly changing course buying new shortcut systems from fake gurus going on their their hyper hyped up webinars teaching the new traffic strategy that must have is the fastest way to destroy your long-term results so this is what we're going to solve here we're going to get you focused we're going to get moving forward on your personal plan of action now before we get into driving traffic you got to ask yourself some very honest questions here does your niche need to hear your unique story do you truly have expertise can you actually help people like this is so important traffic is not a hack right this is not something you're just trying to game the system to figure out how to get clicks traffic is given to those who deserve it and you know you deserve it when you have a story when you have a solution when you have a process that you've created and perfected and not only for yourself but for others and you're sharing that with the world then have you already created epic content have you done your 90 day challenge yet right and then the final question is do you deserve to be on page one of google is your content that good are your stories that good now we all start at zero and we get better and better my first videos were not very good and i think that's a polite way of saying it but now a couple years into the process my videos are coming out really really well done my quality is up my content is up everything is up on the flip side my wife's blogging when she started back in 2009 her blog posts weren't all that great they were good they weren't great today she puts out amazing posts some of which are 9 10 12 000 word posts that are by far the most comprehensive and valuable posts on that topic these kinds of posts are what deserve traffic so going through the 90 day challenge getting your content machine flexing that content muscle over and over is key because your first posts are not going to be as good as your 100th post and your 100th post is not going to be as good as your 500 post and that's the path you're on here so let's talk about where organic traffic comes from so really there's three main areas it'll come from the search engines it'll come from social media and i've kind of bundled social bookmarking in there with social media personally and then it comes from recommendations from actual people sharing your information whether it's through an email it's a shout out in a podcast etc that's ultimately the three main ways or places that organic traffic comes from now before we dig into the nuts and bolts and the tactics we have to put a very strong divide between the two types of content that you're going to end up publishing there's the money posts and there's the link bait posts also called shareable posts or share vape posts money posts are those posts on your website that are reviewing a specific problem product as an affiliate their sales pages for your actual products for your memberships for your services etc they're your opt-in pages that try to trigger someone to take a specific action essentially money posts are those posts that will drive value to you and your business by moving the numbers in your kpis or your key performance indicators how many leads are you growing how many customers are you going how many click-throughs to your affiliate products are you getting etc then the other ones are link vape posts and here's the kicker no one wants to link or share your promotional content if you've put out content that is specifically designed to sell a product to make you money don't expect other people to want to promote that piece of content for you that's where link vape posts come in these are the types of posts that are designed to attract links because they're shareable they're extremely valuable pieces of content there's all kinds of different types of link bait posts that we're going to talk about in this series but you need to realize that when you create very very valuable and shareable content with no calls to action or minimal calls to action you can have your blog pop up there can be in-text small calls to action but the ultimate goal of that piece is to truly be the most helpful and most valuable piece on that specific topic that's the kind of content that gets shared so people like to share extremely valuable content with their audience it makes them feel like a social enabler we get social credit in this day and age when you're the first person to share a great post on your twitter feed or on your facebook or you share some new marketing person that you're following because they're great and they don't pitch all the time that's how my channel has grown because my content was safe for people to share because i didn't pitch things or plug things every single video so you can pitch things and you're going to create a balance between money posts and link vape posts but you got to realize that there's a distinct difference between the two and you're going to need to treat them separately so the link bait or shareable posts are designed to attract visitors from other people's audiences when they're shared right so this is something that someone might find on a search engine they've got a big twitter following they read it they're like wow that post was mind-blowing and they actually share it on twitter with all of their followers because it was that good this will get you reached to their audience and if people quote you in their blogs right if they actually link to you from their blogs it's going to give you those natural backlinks that you need to boost your site's authority it's going to give you more votes in the eyes of the search engines essentially a backlink is equal to a vote so all of your seo optimized posts will begin to rank better as you attract more links the cool part here is that when you have the kind of money posts focused on specific keywords like best blender review for 2019 you're not going to get shareable links to that you're not going to get that shared by other people but when all of your other helpful link bait posts get more links it actually increases the domain authority of your entire site which means your blender post is going to rank better even though it did not directly get those backlinks also all your pop-ups and your internal links will move around the visitors to your funnels and also the search engines to your other content so it's the whole rising tide floats all boats approach that's how it works your money posts are seo optimized product reviews they're your opt-in pages your sales pages they rarely attract links on their own because they're promotional in nature but there's something you can link out to from within other pieces of content or in your videos etc they receive the authority benefits from your links to your other posts and they will rank well in search engines and they will generate income for you and they'll rank better if you get more links and more shares back to your link bait posts and that's ultimately what we're putting together here through this video now there's three core traffic strategies that you're going to learn in this training in the future videos number one is the pay it forward strategy number two is the outwork outreach outrank strategy number three is a social syndicate strategy now you might go all in on one of these or you might create a unique blend of these that fits your personality that fits the amount of time that you have that really just fits your style and then you're going to be able to move forward personally i lean more towards the pay it forward strategy and always have my wife on the other side is much more into the social syndicate strategy and a little bit of that outwork outreach outrank strategy it doesn't really matter which one you choose but we want to focus you down to one specific plan and that's exactly what we're going to do so the next three videos are going to cover each video is going to be on one of these specific strategies and then we'll all tie it together in the conclusion video and ultimately next up we've got the pay it forward strategy i'm so excited to finally share all of this information for you this really is the make or break for your business to drive massive amounts of traffic i look forward to connecting with you on the next video welcome to part one the pay it forward strategy for a long time whenever i was asked about building backlinks or how do you drive traffic i always replied with just keep putting out great content everything else will take care of itself the backlinks will appear it wasn't until i really really decided and committed to creating this training for you that i realized that i was actually doing more there was something there was a method i was implementing slowly and steadily that was creating the backlinks and it wasn't 100 passive that's exactly what you're going to learn here today and i'm super excited to share this with you ultimately the pay it forward strategy is where you focus on building relationships with the influencers in your space you want to go build relationships with the people who already have the attention of your audience is another way of saying that you effectively give them value give them shout outs testimonials compliments and you ultimately give them an opportunity to reciprocate one of the keys here is that relationship building takes time whether it's in person whether it's online it doesn't matter it takes time and honestly it takes a lot of time we're talking years at this point i've forged many relationships that are coming to fruition right now at this point in my business but i met those people two three four years ago we had our first conversation a couple of years ago and this is just the way the world works so you need to be willing to be patient but at the same time you need to be very very active in forging these relationships you are going to get ignored and denied on this path and i say here unless you're awesome you know the more you stand out the better your story is the more value you give the more attention you have the opportunity to receive but ultimately a lot of these influencers are extremely busy and they're absolutely bombarded with messages of people asking them for things so don't be creepy and don't start by asking for anything you don't want to blow people up you don't want to go crazy in the in the direct messaging and you don't want to ask for anything because that's what they get too much of already you want to stand out you want to be awesome and you're going to learn exactly how to do that here today so step one let's talk about building the relationships with the influencers as i stated you want to start by focusing in on who has the attention of your audience already then you want to go find what platforms are they most active on is it their blog is that really where all of their attention goes is it their youtube channel are they on social media are they on twitter or instagram find where they are and then follow them and begin to engage with them often to slowly start to stand out remember that admiration flattery and respect are really really difficult to ignore when you're effectively kind of stroking someone else's ego it's really easy for them to get caught up in that and we're kind of leveraging this a little bit now you don't want to be over the top or be weird with this by any means right remember the don't be creepy rule we talked about but that is the kind of core essence of this first step in getting noticed so how do you get noticed by influencers well there's social media engagement right literally participating in those social media conversations that are going on blog commenting right engaging in their content that they're publishing through their blog that also relates to youtube commenting you can send thank you emails to them you can reply to their marketing emails and you can share your story and you can give them some specific examples i've got very specific examples of the types of thank you emails you can send and then ultimately you can get to live niche specific events there's nothing that is going to move a relationship forward more than shaking hands with someone than going out for a cup of coffee with them going out for a meal with them and these types of experiences are able to happen more frequently at industry specific or niche specific events for about four years i non-stop was going to events all over the world in my space from australia to europe to south america to asia to north america literally i've been to dozens and dozens and dozens of events and i've met some really cool people who now i go four-wheeling with they come up to my house they jump on my channel um we go meet up in venice to go tour around parts of venice with other people right so so these types of relationships have happened by my willingness to get out of my comfort zone out from behind my computer and actually go meet the individuals at these events so let's talk about social media engagement let's let's dig down into this specific method first you really need to give give give you want to be the one posting shout outs with app mentions to them you want to be the one paying it forward remember that's the whole name of the strategy here we're playing with the law of reciprocation here you want to reply to comments and add to the conversation so for example if they are publishing a link on twitter to their new blog post and you see it early you click you read it you go through it and then you retweet that with your comments about what you got from that or the value you got from that or you must read this new post they will notice when you become an active sharer of their content right this is how you stand out and then also replying in the comments and just generally adding to that conversation not just retweeting but adding to the conversation is really ultimately key sharing their content as content publishers and content producers we all love it when people share our content it's not only an opportunity for us to get more reach which we all love but it's also just feels good it makes us as content creators feel like okay that post i poured my heart and soul into for four days and 12 hours writing one blog post that was pretty good it was good enough to get shared and it really makes them feel good you can direct message them with your appreciation i wouldn't overuse this and i would not expect a reply because so many of these influencers are so overwhelmed with the number of direct messages and some of the crazy ass requests that they get in their direct messages so don't expect to reply there don't expect to reply to any of this you're doing this out of goodwill and if you do this enough times over with enough influencers you will begin to stand out you'll get on their radar you'll get kind of the thank you comments and that is the beginning of relationship building so here's some examples of social engagement cheryl richardson is a she's a well-known writer and author she's an author for new york times best-selling author on hay house publishing she's got 99 000 friends right and just a little simple happy birthday type comment is what ultimately got the kind of retweet here in this situation so it can be personal life type things here's a facebook post from neil patel and he's obviously got a video on facebook watch and then marcus kind of shared with specifically tagged an individual saying hey you should follow this guy for marketing he's great and their neil patel pops up and says hey thanks for sharing is this neil himself is this his team we don't actually know in this situation but it's literally you're playing the game the law of large numbers and this works at the pro level too so this is jim quick and jim quick he's an author and he's one of the the number one most well-known individuals on really how to kind of uh increase your brain he's got speed reading courses and really he's kind of a brain geek if you will 211 000 followers about a thousand following so he's got a great ratio of followers to following right he really actually is an authority and if you notice in the comments of this one post him and frank kern get into a little bit of banter and frank kern says now i want to start making posts with jim quick in them i think i'll do that right now and jim quick says hey frank kern i'm a fanboy for your copy so i'm going to be screenshotting and reposting all of those wise words and what i'm showing you here is that even at the pro level to absolute beasts in their field right in the marketing field in the speed reading and learning field these two guys they're just having a little bit of banter and literally they're building their relationship in the comments of an instagram post so this is where our world today whether you like it or not this is where relationships grow in our world today um instagram is really unique right now i'm recording this in late november of 2018 so my wife and i just last last month i would say we had lunch here in arizona with a couple of youtubers from out of state they drove through they were coming through they got in touch with my wife through instagram combined they have about 600 000 subscribers and we all just got together went out to lunch did some four-wheeling did some hiking together really got to know them that relationship literally began through instagram i can count you know at least a half dozen or more times when these kinds of little encounters the coffee encounters the hikes that the getting know people deeper happen because of what started with literally harding liking commenting on and then ultimately direct messaging through social media accounts and networks so this is this is the way the world's working now let's talk about blog comments um i want to give you some basics on blog comments to me this is second nature but i just want to make sure you know because i get so many comments of people doing it so wrong and if you do this wrong it's going to make you look bad so i just want to avoid that so we're going to go into this a moment here so you want to lead with their name and a compliment this is one of the quick ways for you to a trigger that kind of uh ego stroke motion that that quick moment of playing into um that that appreciation that compliment it's difficult to ignore a compliment so start there it'll get their attention make it clear through your comment that you've actually read the post there's nothing worse than getting spam bot type comments we can all we all know that there's these spam bots that go out and they mass comment and it does nothing for the brand it does nothing for the individual you want to stand out and be a real individual and i'll say make sure you've got your gravatar set up make sure your headshot shows up on that share the action that you're going to take right so not only did you read the post but now you're going to implement something or the benefit that you received from that keep it short and sweet and again don't ask for anything so let's look at a great example so this is judy here and judy said on one of my blog posts great tips you have here miles no one can doubt the value of email and lead generation and then she just went on boom boom and ends it with great article keep posting she's got a super clear headshot that's a great professional level headshot i can see her name like this is a micro touch point with her like i now recognize her do i recognize her in my youtube comments as well do i see her on other posts like where does this relationship go from here i don't ultimately know but this is a well done blog post blog comment that got my attention and i replied and said thanks judy i appreciate the kind words a micro engagement but these micro engagements are ultimately where relationship starts in the real world we say hi to someone hey oh hi right that's literally the moment of how relationships start this is just one of those digital versions so here's a blog comment example that leverages rapport but you'll notice the first thing i want you to notice is blair is missing a headshot right and that's such a missed opportunity now this is todd brown todd brown is a big time funnels guy he's got some really expensive in-person workshops i mean everything this dude does is really really expensive and he's known for turning out funnels and turning him into million dollar funnels so blair said i'm a senior copywriter at agora and porter stansberry tried to make the same point to me many years ago now if you know about copywriting you know that agora is one of the largest direct response publishing companies on earth and porter stansberry is i believe the guy who started agora or he's one of the heads of agora so instantly blair morse is using this person and this company that they both know very well and they're both in florida um agora's in florida and todd bradlin lives in florida as well so that's the connection point right they've built rapport at that point been such an important and often overlooked point he even says rereading that helped me restructure a headline so he's talking about the action he took because of reading the content that's what copy that's what vloggers want to know is that you're not just reading my content but you're you're you're taking action like i love the comments on youtube when people are like hey miles i followed your diy sales funnel video series and i actually built something and it's getting leads and i made my first sale like that makes me feel so good it's out of control and you'll see todd brown took the time to say very cool blair thanks for sharing so here's a bad comment and i've i've uh put a box over their face in their name this was on mine and literally line one would you consider coaching and mentoring me if we got a good connection over skype so think about this the first thing they literally lead in with an ask i have no idea who this person is i've never heard of them i've never connected with them before and instantly they're asking me for something now this is a quick way for me to put up my defenses and the the kind of barrier for them is if we get a good connection over skype not not can i do something for you at all literally like if we can get a good connection over skype which would be insane if two humans on our earth today can't get a good connection over skype and then let me tell you a bit about what i want to do i'm trained as boom and it went on and this comment went on so much longer than this now i want you to really quick notice how many times this individual says me or i in the first few paragraphs so i've got coaching and mentoring me if we uh let me tell you about me about what i want to do i am trained i am i am like this is all about them all they're thinking about is them and this is the proof when i've said before you've probably heard me say every human is tuned into w-i-i-f-m this is all this individual can think about is what's in it for them what's in it for them what's in it for them and they just vomited their wii fm all over my blog comments area this is getting a negative response from me like this person is literally like this was trashed immediately it was removed it was like there's no way so don't do this right don't ask for things right out of the gate don't put these long arduous state like be short be sweet be in be out let them know what you got the value you got and what you're gonna do with it and then grow to be a testimonial for them let's talk about thank you emails for a minute um you know i'm a proponent of sending out emails every single day i receive i would assume between five and eight reply emails every single day my wife's list which is 150 000 subscribers or something when she sends out emails she can receive literally hundreds of thank you messages at this point in time so i notice when i get those replies personally my wife doesn't we have a team in place we have our virtual assistant who kind of filters out those looking for the replies that say hey i bought something i can't access it so so know that when you're putting these out that you might not get a reply back because these people might be incredibly busy and they might have filters or gatekeepers but they might not and it's just a good practice because it's quick and easy to do so you can share your appreciation for their excellent content you can send your personal case studies or testimonials for their methodologies for their courses for you implementing what they teach all of us content marketers want to collect testimonials so when you become a testimonial that's a quick way into the heart of a content creator so here's an example of becoming a testimonial this is a blog comment on a very very popular seo blog and i was able to get a backlink so down by my headshot in the bottom right corner the lower one where it says miles back then it's underlined that is a link back to my website from me sending him this as an email and i sent this as an email he sent an email just a marketing email and i replied with this kind of story about how my wife and i run a niche site we've been stuck at a plateau i found and followed his seo blogging tutorials now we're up to 800 000 we're looking for a million a year now this dude's british i want you to look at the last two lines so i say thanks mate right i'm trying to meet him he's a brit so i'm trying to meet him there and i even said and here's a screenshot with year over year numbers to prove i'm not just taking a piss here which is a very british phase of me saying i'm not pulling your leg and i gave him an actual screenshot he took what was in that email and he added it to his testimonials page with a backlink for me this was a huge backlink i didn't do it expecting to get a backlink that wasn't my goal i was literally saying thanks to this guy who was being super helpful and had taught me a few strategies that actually really helped me grow so this is what i'm saying i didn't know this was going to happen i didn't exactly do it for the backlink but it turned out to become a backlink for me which i love and it's actually helped my site a bunch so this is what the result from habituating that process can create over enough time so then be a case study now here's an email example this is i believe i actually filled out a web form to be honest so i don't think this was an email that's why it says miles back there up top and how can we help you that was the the question so i said and it started with massive thank you all caps in the smiley face i said i was an original member of lfp which is a course that he ran and it really helped me kick my business and website up to the next level and then i kind of talked more about it and then i said okay your new product came out and i jumped on it those scripts that you gave so i went straight into the content he gave in that course that i bought it was a 1500 course or 2000 course the scripts took time and a serious amount of work but we finally launched and boom next level again over 35 000 for my first two mailings in two weeks over 8 500 in monthly cash flow plus the 20 grand that we'll rebuild next year i gave them specifics when people publish testimonials like when i go to publish a testimonial i want specific i want hard facts i want to know you went from 100 visitors a month to 10 365 visitors per month the more specific in the testimonial the better which is why i actually added in those specifics then i said now it's time to lay on the the pay-per-click thick huge thanks high fives and hugs even if you're a support rep reading this just be sure to pass along the love this is actually to mike dillard and i said if you read this mic uh cheers the next five years and i commented he was building a prototype for a food growing system that was this invention he was working on and i just said i look forward to your organic food growing system and i continue to be inspired by your awesomeness so i'm building rapport and letting him know that i'm an insider i know all those little things he does i was on his old course the lfp i know about his new thing cheers from costa rica you know what happened he actually included that in his webinar and this webinar is being they run hundreds of thousands of dollars of ads to this webinar this webinar is still being used today i wrote that over two and a half years ago literally i think it was almost three years ago at this point i wrote that and i have received more brand value and more traffic so this is an actual screenshot you can see it's on this is the webinar for his course i don't actually recommend the course personally um but he talks about he shared that letter he shares this headshot or this picture of melanie and i i literally took this straight out of it he shared the screenshot because he asked for actual screenshots to prove that i i had done the numbers that i said i had done and he calls me out by name saying how great it was and he talks about the fact that we're in costa rica and he's a little bit jealous of that people go and search for me after seeing him talk about me on the webinar does that make sense so i didn't get a backlink from this by any way shape or form but he has introduced his entire audience and most of his audience are cold market people who are interested in exactly what i teach now and they when they watch this they hear me they open a new tab they go to google and they type in miles beckler and i have filled the first two pages of google with my blog my youtube all the content i want my it's pretty curated right so these are the other types of benefits you can get it's not always a backlink this doesn't help my website per se other than getting the name out and the brand out but it has helped me massively in brand value by associating my brand with his brand and this dude's made 50 million dollars online uh he's got a list of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars again i didn't know this was going to happen i was just a student who was ambitious i did well with it it worked i wanted to let him know it worked so i took the time to share my story with him and that story got shared another way for you to move forward is to have a powerful mission and you probably know that i'm i'm pretty harsh on the fake gurus right i rag on the fake gurus a lot and that's a part of my mission being the most helpful internet marketer in the world a part of my mission is calling out all the bs that's floated around and calling out all those overpriced over-hyped courses that don't actually deliver the goods so here's an email i received and this is aaron and this is actually the assistant of ken evoy and ken evoy he's got about 40 000 customers he has been teaching internet marketing since i don't know the early 2000s or something so about 20 15 to 20 years now this dude is a legend and i mean like an old school legend now i'm gonna go down to the middle paragraph the one liner and it says after looking over your videos podcasts and content well you really struck a chord with ken and with our marketing team so this this email went to asking if i would be willing to get on the phone for a conversation with ken which i did this past summer we ended up talking on skype for literally four hours straight um he's out on a caribbean island i'm now trying to figure out how i can get to that it's a pretty small island um right the relationship is growing we went from me putting out my videos being on a mission to just share what i think is the right way to grow a business this dude who is a legend in the internet marketing space found it we got on the phone now i'm already trying to figure out how am i going to get to the island he's on to do like a video interview with him to meet him in person i don't know where this is going i'm not necessarily looking to cash in on this i'm just taking the next steps to growing that relationship so that's a really cool example now here's a bad example so miles beckler and blank opportunity i probably received 10 of these a week and they're all absolutely horrible and essentially it's people trying to get me to do something for them i don't know who these people are i don't know what they're promoting they clearly want me to promote whatever it is they created or whatever it is they're selling and i have a very very quick short response that says absolutely not take me off your mailing list because they haven't taken any time to really help so the first line is you know i love what you're doing it gives value for an entrepreneur and then instantly line two first paragraph i feel there's an excellent potential for us to build a long-lasting partnership that is code word for miles i want you to do stuff for me i want you to go do stuff for me so my name is blank and i'm the founder of blank a tool with blah blah blah then they go into their pitch and then they give me the link expecting me to link and then the lower paragraph i'm reaching out to see if you'd be interested in working out by giving us by giving a special access tool to your viewers and right literally this is just somebody they've taken zero time to build a relationship i have no clue who they are there is absolutely no rapport they've done nothing for me so i don't feel like i should or need to or whatever you can consider reciprocating but yet they want something from me so let's go to a deeper uh email and i'm telling you i get crazy requests and every single marketer and influencer gets similar types of crazy requests so this is a reply to one of my marketing emails i just said a new podcast on entrepreneur entrepreneurs in motion right so promoting a podcast is the email he replied to so now hello myles this may not be your deal but think about it my name is blank and i'm looking for funding i have a property under contract for fifty thousand the rehab cost is gonna be a hundred and nine thousand it's a credit worthy buyer the realty office is holding a 10k deposit the sale price is 280 000 does your company provide a to b to c funding let me know this dude is literally i have no idea who this guy is i've never heard of him before never seen him in a comment nothing and he literally is asking me if he could borrow money straight up for a real estate deal like are you a hard money are you willing to give me money like i'm a [ __ ] bank like holy moly so i use this one because i wanted to give you an extreme example when i say people are like man the things they ask for are absolutely crazy this is the best example i could find of that of how far like it's nothing to do with internet marketing it's not even me promoting a software or his funnel tool or whatever all these other people are trying to get me to do this dude literally wants me to just write him a check for some theoretical real estate that might not even be real right so this is what we are dealing with and i feel like i've given you some really good examples of be the testimonial be that individual who's who's thankful and grateful and taking action and just sending out those short comments to say thanks don't be the individual who's asking for things who's needy who's kind of forgetting that reciprocation comes from giving first so let's recap this real quick so step one which is just get on the radar right we're not done with this whole course like for this whole video this is just step one so getting on the radar of the influencers in your niche is key you want to engage socially engage with their emails become a testimonial there's literally nothing you can do better than to become a testimonial of the influencers in your space and remember relationship building takes time give value first do this across a large number of individuals and be really detached from the outcome and keep moving forward and that's how things like popping up on that one webinar worked out for me that's how a lot of these little things that have worked really well for me it's just the fact that i've been sending out those kinds of emails for eight years i've been hustling on this stuff for years and years and years and eventually all of the astrological alignments aligned and and magic happened funny thing is i didn't even know i was on that webinar he didn't tell me i learned from people in my audience who were like hey i found you on mike diller's webinar with those types of comments coming up on youtube so really really interesting there okay so step two give value to them right so now that you've connected with them you've found them you've started micro engage with them you're starting to pop up on their radar now you give value to them you want to help them fix any issues you find right or help them improve improve their marketing i'll talk specifics about that here in a second you want to include them in roundup posts and there's a couple of types of roundup posts this is at the social level we're talking about i'll talk about a different type of level of roundup posts in the future so an example of that is that you know the 17 best astrologers you must follow for 2019 you know and again it's it's late november 2018 when i'm recording this so that would be a perfect post to go collect all of the best astrologers and it could be on instagram right so the 17 best astrologers on instagram you must follow for 2019 um you can also share your audience by interviewing them this is big time reciprocation move you're giving access to your v to your audience first that really pushes that law of reciprocation out in the right direction and then you can make money right become a top affiliate of theirs and they're going to fall in love with you they will know who you are i've run affiliate programs i grew an affiliate program for a third party company to over a quarter million dollars per year from scratch i knew who those top five affiliates are in the world of affiliate marketing generally speaking 95 plus percent of affiliates will do nothing and five percent of affiliates will do like 98 plus percent of your revenue so it's really easy for the affiliate managers and the product creators to actually know who they are so let's dig deeper into this help them fix issues or improve so i've already stated that you're you're following their emails you're reading the content they write you're following what they share on their social media you're looking around at all of the things that they're doing because you're a real person and you're engaging so do you notice anything broken are there any layout issues is it not loading correctly on your phone are you finding broken links are you finding misspellings send them messages be helpful if you can get super specific right if you found a broken link in paragraph 4 on a specific url send them the specific url the broken like give them all of the items so they could either a send that over to their developer if they have one or b within about three clicks they can be right to that point it's very very clear where that problem is and they can go fix the problem immediately you will stand out in that situation sometimes sending them an email works sometimes a direct message on a social media platform will work sometimes you got to do both so then you can ask do you have a skill that you can donate if you do create for them like if you're a graphics designer and there's somebody you're a graphics designer and you're working on a niche site in the in the drone space right and you you see this one guy who posts about his drone stuff or he's got a blog and he's like the best drone blog in the world but his featured images are just horrible go create a batch of featured images spend a few hours and create a bunch of really really cool featured images or maybe even better create him one or two great featured image templates or if there's a youtuber who you follow who's great and they're just in your niche in your world they give the best value in the world but their thumbnails are really really bad and you have graphic skills go create the thumbnails don't ask just do it if you ask them hey i was thinking about making this for you they're gonna think you want something they're gonna think like okay yeah you say that you want that but you actually like they're gonna think you have an ulterior motive because as you saw with those bad email examples before a lot of people do have ulterior motives so literally do the work and send them the work product now this only works if you're in very specific situations but it's one of those ways for you to ultimately stand out um the content guy josh what's up man like who helps me out with my content literally popped into my reality and was like i will do work for you for free i literally think he was like i will work for you for free for four weeks i was like what that is crazy like okay so so he was literally just so ambitious that it got on my radar and we've been working together for months and months and months now actually uh for years now uh to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars have flown his way in exchange for services but he stood out by his willingness to just flat out do the work so so whatever you can do to just do the work and the more you can do before asking the better because it's gonna get a better response if you just hit me with an email and it's got three thumbnails for my three most recent videos don't do this by the way i like the way my thumbnails are going but i'm just saying like you know if you find somebody who doesn't have thumbnails at all and you just send them three or four emails with three or three or four of the thumbnails in one email and you make it super easy and it's just right there and you're like hey i just want to share these with you i love what you do you're literally one of the leaders in our space i have graphic skills so i decided to just create these for you because i think what you're doing is awesome and i think they'll help your channel enjoy and they just have to like download upload with youtube and their whole channel looks better they're going to know who you are they're going to pay attention they're going to be grateful for your efforts and that's how you move the relationship forward okay so the expert roundup posts right this was the astrology one i i mentioned so the top experts or niche celebrities to follow on social media is the easiest way um you can do a quick post because you don't really need to ask anyone for anything you can just go literally find the the 17 best content marketers you must follow on twitter boom i can go find that i can curate curate it etc uh the top blogs the top youtube channels to follow in your niche whatever whatever works well with your niche and ultimately you can go across all of the platforms so you could theoretically do the 17 best astrologers to follow on twitter the 17 best astrologers to follow on instagram the 17 best astrologers follow on youtube right and you create the same content but what you're actually doing with that content is you're choosing different astrologers each time and then you're you're theoretically getting to multiply your reach by using a pseudo template for that post right so you could reach 17 different people on twitter 17 different people on facebook 17 different people on youtube and it doesn't have to be 17 i'm literally just pulling that out of thin air do what works for you could be nine use an odd number these are great link bait and share bait posts because they're clearly not promotional like you're promoting them and again it pushes that reciprocation in a direction that a lot of these people without even asking they're going to share it they're like i made the top 17 list yeah i'ma share that right like that's the mental that was a mental conversation you just heard right that's the mental conversation that they're having is wow i made the list cool it's like the it's like literally it triggers that that four-year-old child who draws a little scribble of a house and mom goes and hangs it on the refrigerator and that little kid's like yeah that art just made it on the refrigerator you're literally playing to that same exact human innate emotion that we all have when you go with this sort of approach so here's an example right my wife did the top spiritual instagram accounts to uplift your instagram feed so there's there's a keyword in here i think it's probably spiritual instagram accounts is the keyword she's after with this post so this is designed to rank well on google but i've circled the 509 shares like this thing got 509 social shares pretty darn quickly and it was an easy post for her to create these types of posts can fit right in with your 90-day challenge or you can do them after your 90-day challenge but these are really highly shareable content if you're curious this sharing plug-in we use is from social warfare i really like this sharing plugin it works really fast it's really clean it's really customizable i'm on the paid one of that just if you're curious and then here's another one this is a random one i found the 10 best vegan cooking channels on youtube in six months they got about 10 300 views to this post here and it's literally just a roundup it's got um a picture of them it's got their name it's got a link to their actual channel and then about two or three i would say about 250 300 words tops of content about their channel who they are what they do what makes them special and same with my wife's it had one of their images from instagram it had their their screenshot had their their url a link to their instagram itself and then a little bit about why you should follow that individual really easy kind of a cookie cutter type template and then when you're done you get to share it with them and you can be like you made my top 10 list right so that's that's where we're at right here let them know they made the list don't just put this out in the wild like it can rank on its own but you you nudge it a little bit right the more you promote your content the better chance it has to get shared and to get out the more it gets shared and gets out and gets linked to and gets twitter retweeted and gets the social share like google picks up on all of that and google will all things similar right if everything's similar between two posts and one of them gets hundreds of social shares and the other one gets two social shares the one that gets more social shares will rank better in google all other things being similar so it's it's a factor it's not a huge factor but it's definitely a factor so let everybody know they made the list reach out to everyone on multiple platforms you want to do it sometimes publicly which means if you're doing a twitter roundup you would at mention them in a tweet i would not put all 10 people in one tweet and expect them to go retweet that i would get a creative unique specific mention in a specific tweet for each individual right so that's the publicly and then there's direct messaging people if you don't see that they replied to that if they didn't retweet that if they didn't engage with you giving them a shout out and saying they made the list for you publicly then you can go to the direct message you can also send them an email people's email addresses are pretty easy to find they're generally on their websites or they're generally on their youtube channels like you can go find anyone's contact information with a little bit of help or a little bit of work and or find a contact box a contact form and you can send it that way and really you can just share your appreciation you don't have to ask for them to share it right i think human nature is that they'll want to share it most content creators and social media marketers need more things to talk about need more things to share so it is kind of natural but you can ask for the share if you do ask for the share make it short make it quick i should be able to read that entire email within a couple of seconds and include a share link for whatever platform they are most on right whatever platform it's about um twitter and facebook have pretty good share link generators um instagram is kind of tough you can't really do links within instagram so if you do just share link generators a real quick and easy way for you to make like a pre-populated tweet or to create a share link for them on facebook so they click the link in the email and it automatically loads the post in their facebook kind of editor and they can edit that and send that out to their people um the easier you make it on them because influencers are busy right i'm super busy i wake up i was about 5 30 this morning yesterday i did 5 15 until about 6 30 at night i went hiked i meditated i did my stuff during the day for my normal routine but that's the kind of day i'm putting in and i'm going at it i'm grinding all day so if you waste my time i'm clicking x on that email if you make it like three sentences i can read it i can digest it i can click a button and share it i might actually just do it because it's almost easier to just do it than to not and it's like patting myself on the back so use that share link generator super easy to use very self-explanatory now next up you can introduce people to your audience right so you're going to go introduce those influencers to your audience you can invite them to be a guest on your podcast you can invite them for an interview to create some sort of a collab on youtube or you can do an interview roundup post now the interview roundup post is different than the social roundup post it takes a little bit more energy but often times you can get even better responses with that and i'll show you um kind of a how to find those how to do those and a great example of that as well um interviewing them as a podcast or a youtube guest you're essentially giving them exposure to your audience this is the pay it forward right that's that's the whole move and pay it forward now me personally i don't do this much i am so guarded with my audience that i rarely invite people on with that said i've had dave wooding on before i've had i've had several people on my channel i've had tim conley on before people who i know beyond a shadow of a doubt they have their heart their mind their intentions in the right place are the only people i invite on but again i'm in the internet marketing space and there's so many people in this space who are just i mean they're fake gurus right they're just promoting overhyped overpriced rubbish so that's why i don't do this as much in smaller niches it makes a whole lot more sense especially when people aren't great at self-promotion you get to help them with that process if someone in your space just released a new book and how do you know because you follow them on social because you're on their email list you could invite them on to talk about the subject matter of the book and then you give them the opportunity to plug their book on your channel they are going to love you this is how you go from being a little uh a face and a little tweet right or a little blog comment or a little reply in an email to someone who's actually helping them on their path and you're just moving the relationship forward you're moving that reciprocity forward so it strengthens your relationship credibility by association so let's say that i'm kind of new in the drone world but i'm doing interviews with the best of the best of the best people in the drone world how many interviews does it take for the rest of the observable you know all those who just solely consume content in the world of drones how many interviews of me interviewing the top 10 15 12 7 experts on drones does it take before i am looked at as an expert because every time people see me i'm with an expert it also gives me an opportunity to rank for these experts names which can be potentially very powerful so it's credibility by association is a great free software for remote interviews it'll allow you to do just audio interviews it'll allow you to do audio video interviews skype has a tendency to compress the audio so it can actually kind of like it can make good audio sound bad because they're trying to make the audio file small so it doesn't break zoom seems to have higher quality so i think and your their free account will work perfectly for this for the video or audio version so then how do you ask where do you ask ask where you've already connected so you can see a year ago franklin hatchet who he was not on my radar at all didn't know who this guy was he's like miles let's connect i want to do an interview with you we'll just chill and cam we'll just chill on cam and go over some questions or something i have a lot of members in my facebook group or on my channel that are very interested in your content so let's break this down because this is this is really powerful what he did like i don't want this to be just caught in passing number one he knew i was hyperactive in my comments on my youtube channel perfect so that's where he met me right meet them where they're at so he knows i engaged there like a madman i think i'd probably commented on his comments before then he says he's let me know i have a lot of members he's got a facebook group and on his channel that are interested in what i have so he's literally telling me like i want to share your stuff with my people so i looked at his his you know i clicked his name because it's literally clickable from this screen and i can go see that he actually has a lot of subscribers he's doing things now this current shot he's at 96 763 subscribers i'm only at 75 000 subscribers so this dude right now has a bigger audience than i do i think he did then too so put yourself in my shoes right somebody who's got a bigger audience than you he's got a captive audience on facebook which i do no marketing on facebook for my brand at all and andy's got a youtube channel and i look and it's real and i looked his subject matter and like it's real of course i'm gonna jump on this so i said absolutely no i was traveling like let's connect somewhere else to move the conversation forward and we'll go from there and we've done uh two or three collaborations together and my audience has grown significantly from him people are even like hey franklin let me know or i found you through franklin like i see the actual results in this um but it was just an opportunity to give value and now next time i go to he lives in auckland next time i go to new zealand i'm for sure going to bump into this dude and i've got other friends down there so so it's just this is the relationship moving forward so here's another one um mike killen who is a coach with a very very high-end um kind of one of the larger wordpress consulting uh companies out there and he the oh the world's largest community of wordpress consultants there was right in the first line um so he's like we have a podcast and we'd love to interview we are huge fans of your traffic methods and videos on youtube troy our co-founder personally recommended you to me after see after he started seeing massive success with your message methods um so pretty much straight down to the you know can we link up now this was sent out literally look at the date it's november 16th uh or november 6 of 2017.

i actually just recorded five days ago the podcast with the guy troy for this so it took about a year to coordinate because my travel schedule their travel schedule they only record they do like a season so they only recorded for part of the year um for their podcast so by the time i got back to them they they had clothes but here's something interesting that happened now mike killen is a a member here inside of the forums i replied to this a little late and mike was like you know they're not doing it for the wp company but i've got a podcast i'd love to have you on i was like sure let's do it so i hopped on with him it was a smaller podcast and then he connected me with three or four other people it ended up getting like three or four different podcast spots there and then sure enough it's funny so when i was actually looking for examples of these emails i found this email and i realized i had not gotten in touch and done the actual podcast with troy so as i was making this screenshot i was like oh snap like and i emailed him and we hopped on the phone literally three days later and we created content and it'll be out probably by the time you hear this uh video so so it's just interesting how that all works this was an email it was a great ask they were clear that they like what i'm doing they're using my content they're they're appreciative of what i'm sharing and they want to share me with their audience and they made it clear that they have a big time noteworthy audience easy yes for me here then there's the interview roundup post idea now these can be super super valuable because you're really getting giving the experts an opportunity to kind of like get their bit in front of your audience but it's really easy right it's a super easy approach so what you're going to do is you ask one question to many different experts and then you combine all of their answers all of their answers onto one post so you get their answer you put their headshot you do a url and a backlink and obviously you put their name etc so i've got two links we're going to look at these on the next slides if you want to screenshot this to go take a look at them i'll have the links on the next pages too so the first one small business ideas blog how to promote your blog is the actual roundup post an example of it and then the how to if you want to get a long form post that teaches you how to do these to the next level forward slash expert dash roundup so here's the interview roundup example this is the same link from before it's just on this page again small business idea blog slash how dash 2 dash promote or blog um title how to promote your blog content colin 40 plus experts share marketing tips so i'm guessing that the target keyword for this post is how to promote your blog maybe how to promote your blog content so it's an seo optimized post for that keyword phrase now in the red box i've circled the one question that he asked all of the different experts name something that most bloggers and content marketers can do to improve their effectiveness when promoting their content super simple right so he sent this out i'm assuming they sent this out a hundred times or more because you're not gonna get a one-to-one conversion rate not everyone's gonna reply not everyone's gonna participate some people are on vacation some people are too busy their assistant didn't send it to them whatever so there's going to be a conversion rate from that email but you're ultimately making it super simple you're offering to give them exposure you're acknowledging that they're an absolute expert in this field and you're putting together this roundup post and you want their content their comment on here and i'm gonna give you a backlink and i'm gonna share it with my whole audience it's a pretty no-brainer because i can write an answer to this in a matter of minutes i can literally open it i can read it i can look i can answer it and send it back right then and there and it's almost easier for me to just do it get the exposure give you what you need so you can package it all together for me because you're doing the leg work on this and i'm going to get the result of the backlink i'm going to get the result of the exposure it's easier for me to actually just do it than it is to say no right so really really really powerful example here um something you should put on your content calendar you could do these types of roundup examples you could do the other social roundups as well great way to round out your your content calendar with a different type or a different template of content that you get to create once a month once every couple weeks etc so then there's the how to create a roundup post um the ultimate guide to creating an expert roundup post that gets thousands of shares and that's ultimately what we're doing is we're creating hyper shareable content smart blogger dot com forward slash expert dash roundup this is an extremely long post that brian put together um it's it's really quite quite helpful and it kind of details the process if you're curious about any specific steps and then obviously once your post is up you want to reach out to all of those people who shared their info and let them know that it's live you want to give them a direct link you want to give them a share link from the the link share generator to make it really easy so the next idea is to make the individuals money right how to get on their radar the next step was to make them money by becoming one of their top affiliates and as i said vendors know who their top affiliates are so share their products and help them earn money like i'm going to be honest with you people like people who make them money right like it it really does work that way that that is the way our world works um the vendors or the the course creators the product creators they know who their top affiliates are and they reach out right when when they see a big spike in sales from someone new odds are you're gonna get a very personal message you're gonna get like that is that is a great introduction um the ask for some sort of access to their for whatever they ask is to to be on their podcast or when we get to that phase which we will get there um it's just better received if you've made them thousands of dollars like literally this is common sense right like someone who makes me thousands of dollars by sharing my stuff and selling my stuff is gonna be a little better received than someone who just emails me asking these long drawn out random questions so that's simple right basic stuff so here's one um andre chaperone who you may know um andre's a badass dude like like literally he is one of the most well-known internet marketers in the email marketing space and you can see right here he just sent me this email uh last august uh or august before you know august 2017 and he's like you rock and he's like hey miles i've seen you been pushing through some sales yesterday and today that's awesome we really appreciate your support if there's anything i can do help let me know i don't know if you have a podcast but if you do i'm pretty sure michael would love to be on it and share some storytelling wisdom with your audience so this is from me promoting one of his courses that i bought i got great value from i loved it i said thank you to him and then i asked if i could be an affiliate and i got whitelisted he does not have his affiliate program open so like not anyone can just go sign up for this so i'm already steps in the inner circle and then i did something with it right and then i actually went and i pushed because it is a valuable course it is a great course and now that i read this this was another one i was like oh my gosh like i've got an opportunity to to interview michael on my video and i haven't done that yet like ah so guess what i'm going to do soon i'm going to reach out and take steps in the direction of building out that relationship to where i can ask i'm not going to cold ask because it's been a while since this email came out but i'm going to i'm going to warm that up and actually i've been in touch with andre several times he said uh in a personal message um if you ever because i came up that i was a nomad and i do a little bit of nomadic he's like if you're ever nomading in the south of spain be in touch i want to let's meet up so i've kind of got this open invitation to go to southern spain and bump into andre chaperone like uh yes please that's going to happen at some point then the selfie comes out and you know there's a lot that can go from that and i'm not trying to get from this relationship right now i'm building the relationship that's the key part here so here's another one from terry dean uh hey miles i see you've been doing some good sales on blank over the past few days if there's anything you need please let me know thank you terry so this would have been a prime opportunity for me to ask for something if i wanted to maybe hey could i interview you on a podcast could i do a 15-minute interview oh i'm doing an expert roundup post where i'm asking a bunch of people this would you mind answering this one question boom so there's ways to leverage these kinds of replies um at this point again i'm mostly focused on relationship building i'm not trying to reap what i'm sewing yet i'm still in the sewing phase i want to build stronger better relationships with the key players in the world of internet marketing more than i'm trying to quote unquote get something from the relationship there's a time and a place for that and now for me is not the time of the place so let's recap step two you want to give others give the influencers access to your audience first be willing to give first this is how reciprocation works it builds a relationship it gives them value and it gives you credibility right you can also start to rank for their name if they don't have very good search engine optimization which is a really really cool thing i've done that several times then the interview roundups and the social roundup posts they work wonders you don't even have to ask to do the social roundup posts they're so easy you can do one every year you can do the for 2019 then you can do the for 2020 version right you could do it for the different platforms so there's a lot of ways you can work that and get a lot of value i think the interview posts are even better because they're probably going to attract more links the social roundups will probably attract more social shares but the interview roundups will probably attract more actual links and then become one of their top affiliates like you will stand out if you help them make thousands and thousands of dollars you do your own little micro launch you you put together a great bonus for people who buy within a certain window and you incentivize your audience to buy from them you create a cash flow moment for them they're gonna they're gonna notice they're gonna be like wow where'd i get this extra 10 grand from last week oh new affiliate sent who's this oh okay it's miles let me send him a thank you email right because that's just what humans do so just kind of play on that and remember the more you focus on helping them first the the more that reciprocation is going to ultimately work so step three you want to give them an opportunity to reciprocate so most people are going to share the interviews most people are going to share your youtube collab most people are going to share your roundup post but you can help it along because some won't so let them know when and where it's live don't assume that they're going to see it because you posted it on twitter you actually need to actually send it to them and sometimes you need to send it on multiple platforms you need to send it through email and if you don't hear back and you don't see that they shared it ping them on twitter if they're active on twitter send them a direct message if they're active on twitter or instagram or whatever it is you sometimes need to use multiple different approaches don't do it all at once right step by step see if they get the email and pay attention if they shared it because they shared it don't ask them to share it again generally and in the email make it really easy for them to share right use the share link generator if they're active on facebook there's a facebook one if they're active on twitter there's a twitter one etc you can also create a custom graphic that they can share so this is a custom graphic from jeff sauer who's on the jumpstart podcast and he interviewed me and he turned me into a cartoon which i honestly don't know how i feel about that like you guys are some of the first people who um who see this now i'm i'm a weirdo i think we're all a little weird in this world so i don't think i think there's something weird about having a cartoon of me and i feel like it's starting to go down that like weird socio sociopath some kind of fake guru slippery slope for some reason i don't know exactly where i have that belief from so this didn't work for me but i'm a weirdo right like this would work for a lot of people and it's still a good example of the above and beyond things that people can do in order to try to get the share because this actually technically is quite shareable if i were to put this on on my facebook feed or if i would put this on instagram or something like it would have gotten noticed people have been like whoa dude you're you're a cartoon that's crazy like right so so it can work and and it was definitely worth a try um and these are the types of things that will get you to stand out after having an interview because no other time has this happened oh i have used this this is actually on my blog so i have actually used this i gave him a backlink to the podcast episode on his blog with this image embedded so i did i just didn't use it on social media i use it on my website itself so he actually got which to me is more valuable he actually got a backlink to his website from my podcast page because it looked it was like i got to use this like it's my it's the right color scheme it's blue like my website's blue like it was it was good enough that i actually put it there so these are the kinds of things that you can do now this is a post interview promotion email hey miles thanks for the tweet they actually linked to the tweet so they were paying attention that i already had shared it and then here's some other fun things that you can do with your podcast episode create a blog post with your story embedding the podcast this is boom what larry kim did which is example right so they're giving me an example that's super easy i can click and take a look visit the soundcloud link to get the embed code use your cartoon character as your twitter avatar i didn't go that far um they actually have the vector file so they were willing to give me like they made a cartoon for me right like they were willing to give me the the vector file and a lot of people like using these things um so it that that's a value add to me right uh email they're just suggesting i add the podcast link to my email signature that's pretty cool they sent me some as seen on badges some some images they were trying to get me to put those on the the website itself and then to to share it on on linkedin and specifically he says the network would love hearing your origin story because that's what we covered in the episode they got deeper into my origin story than just about anybody else so so that's a really smart way for them to prompt me with other ways i could share after i already shared right so there is a way to try to prompt people to get more sharing from them but it takes a little more creativity you don't want to just keep hitting them with like can you share this thing can you share this thing like give them specific examples like this here so guest posting and podcasting now this is the other side of the coin that we're at here and this is when you are going to become a guest post on their blog or you are trying to become a podcast guest on their podcast so this is after building the relationship after you give value you can ask to be a guest post so for me in this example is now that you know i've established a bit of a relationship with andre chaperone or with terry dean i could if they had a podcast or if they had a captive audience you know i know they blog every month i could ask to potentially share and create a great blog post for them to share with their audience i'm not going to do that yet but i could so there does come a point when you're able to ask for the actual share when you're able to ask to be a guest on their podcast or you ask to be a guest poster on their website you want to pitch the topic based on really the the title the headline and the hook so that's all you really need to pitch a topic like hey i think your audience would love a post about boom and if that headline is like whoa yeah my audience is going to love that they're going to be excited it's going to be really easy for them to say yes again i wouldn't necessarily have the content 100 created i wouldn't necessarily have like send them over a bunch of content or a bunch of ideas i would give them one beyond excellent idea that you know their people are going to love in the next video you're going to learn ways to find topics that people have proven to love in the past so you can leverage that here and again when you deliver it needs to be amazing it needs to be it's this is not a crank out in an afternoon type of a post this is something that should go through i mean they say you know good books are written great books are edited so this is the approach you need to take you need to copy edit that you should probably hire a professional editor and get it professionally edited and you always hit your deadlines if they say yep do it have it to me by next friday i don't care if you need to work around the clock to get there on time you have to get it to them on time because if you mess with their publishing schedule and you make them backpedal you're done you're never going to be considered again if you work with their editors or their team or their content team and you become a publisher who delivers on time every time and they like you and they love your content and their audience loves it you'll get asked back again always focus on giving value to their audience and expect to receive a lot of uh no thank you or no way or just flat out people ignoring these asks right this becomes a numbers game and really we're going to talk more about this strategy in the next video but it is worthy of talking about here because in the pay it forward method at some point you can ask for you getting your message onto their platform generally you're going to get a better response rate than if they're cold and you don't they don't know who you are but you're still going to get a lot of no's and you're still going to get ignored a lot that's just a part of the game it's still worth your time though so here's an example on super super big website in our space uh in the in the meditation not meditation but in the spirituality space um this is a big time company so they are a clickbank product that we've promoted successfully in the past and after we did a big promotion we reached out and you can see this was back in 2016.

After we did a big promotion a big successful promotion we reached out like hey can we get a blog post can we get a guest spot on your blog and they were like absolutely and we're like hey how about this you know archangel michael prayer it works really well with our people and you can see i've circled it it got 63 comments it got 75 hearts we got a backlink from this which is really helpful backlink for our website and ultimately we got access to their audience they have a lot of readers of their blog and we got access to their audience and we got the backlink from it um again this was after we made them and us as an affiliate lots of money so we had that kind of going for us and we actually worked into the relationship with the editor through the affiliate manager because there are different people in their in their organization and we just kind of reached out to the affiliate manager like hey man like that was they were like hey you guys did great on that launch thanks a bunch it was like yeah totally cool hey can we get a guest post like can we work with your editor and they said yeah and that's what came of it when you ask for a favor make it clear concise and understandable in 30 seconds if you drone on if you write 1800 words i'm not gonna read it and 98 of influencers are just too damn busy to read it so clear concise understandable in 30 seconds you always want to focus on win-win options inviting them to be interviewed is win-win right you get a guest you get that association and they get access to your audience the people who get this wrong are the people who say i want you to mentor me because i'm this i'm that i'm this i'm that they're forgetting there's no win-win here there's no benefit for miles other than this person who writes extremely long comments is gonna waste my time like that's what i'm gonna get out of that that's at least my initial reflex is this person is gonna waste a ton of my time no way they're not even offering money like i wouldn't even do it for me i don't do coaching for money like that so anyways then don't expect them to put their reputation on the line this is what so many people get wrong um man the shopping so the funnel software and shopping cart software world right now is essentially like people selling gold mine gold mining pans and picks and shovels to the gold miners in the 1800s in california everybody thinks that we can just go build a new funnel software and because there's so many funnel softwares everybody needs a funnel we'll just make millions of dollars with funnel software and then they look to people like me who have captive audiences to promote their funnel software but i would then be potentially leveraging my credibility and my reputation if i put my name on someone else's funnel software and if that software sucks it makes me look bad so these individuals who are just flat out expecting me to promote their product or service that i've never even tested or never even checked out or some of them i do and i log in i'm like this is horrible like no way i'm putting my name on this they're forgetting the fact that i'm actually putting my reputation on the line every time i promote something every time i share something and every time i mention something so you need to remember to not expect others to put their reputation on the line for things that you ask for right showing up for an interview is not necessarily them putting their reputation on the line and be sure you've already given value first i think i beat that one up pretty good but that is so so so key relationship building takes time there is no way around the time factor if you go encounter someone who has your audience and you start sending them direct message after direct message after direct message and you try to speed up that process they are going to block you so fast because they're like who is this creeper creeping right like why are you creeping on me right now that's the vibe so think about dating if you're a lady like whatever whoever you are and whoever you've dated in the past if you've ever had someone who blows up your phone blows up your text messages doesn't give you that time to just breathe and give you any space those relationships don't last and you need to remember that when building relationships with the other influencers in your space so be patient and stay focused on giving value if you keep giving them value they're going to just keep smiling and loving them create and promote link bait and share bait content regularly this is not a once and done thing you got to be creative with how you put these together you got to get creative for how you can bring in more people and you definitely don't want to keep promoting the same seven people here's the seven influencers here the seven influence and have it be the seven people over and over you wanna constantly be growing the pool of people that you're pulling from all those influencers to get their opinions because that's how you're gonna find more people who will share and link to your content over time all the while that you're doing this you're still publishing top quality content on your site to stand out as an expert so whether this is during your 90 day challenge phase or after your 90 day challenge phase you don't stop publishing great content on your site right you you need to still be really really growing because what's going to happen is that influencer you reach out to me like okay who's this miles beckler character trying to interview me let me go see if this dude's real and then they click and they see my youtube channel and they're like damn okay 75 000 subscribers cool he published three videos this week three videos okay he's hustling let me go check out his blog boom four new posts in the last week okay yeah he's hustling he's on it he's doing things i'm gonna go work with him but if they go look back at what i'm doing and there's nothing going on i got no profile i've got no posts i'm not being helpful to anybody i'm not on the path uh that's the deal breaker so you don't stop doing your core content for your site your keyword rich content when you go into this path you're doing these simultaneously and then remember you never know where the shout out or mention will come from it's one of those things i had an old boss he had this phrase and i loved it we used to sell cars i sold cars on ebay from albuquerque new mexico and i did the photography and the internet marketing of them back right after college and he would say uh he he claimed it was an einstein quote i highly doubt it was but he said if you tickle it here it laughs over there and his idea was that sometimes we would go pour all our kind of energy on and we had like hot rods and stuff so like corvettes and and gtos and high-end mercedes and high-end beamers and really really fancy cars so he was like okay go take your lady out for lunch in the gto today because some we need to just give some energy and sure enough that night something else would sell some 30 40 000 corvette would sell and his philosophy was that you tickle it over here and it laughs over there so what i'm trying to get at and if that wasn't clear you don't always move forward speaking with person a expecting that exact relationship to go and work out the way you expect you go create lots of relationships you give lots of value and lots of directions and you get to be pleasantly surprised with how that all works its way back to you because it will and you don't know where it's going to come from and it usually comes from places you don't expect like this share and shout out so ken evoy again um this dude has taught tens of thousands of people how to make money online and how to grow uh internet marketing businesses he is an absolute player and he said on twitter out of nowhere at miles beckler shares more real wisdom for solopreneurs in this short video than i've seen anywhere else absorb it link to my actual video in a world of make money online bling promoters and shady get rich quick dealers and writers of fake reviews miles message is the way to succeed turtle and his bit is the turtle versus the hair the slow and steady right so he's sharing that that's great but then look what happened i'm highlighting somebody who retweeted this so this guy mike alton retweeted and he has 51 000 followers and he's done he like this dude is a very very active twitterer tweeter right so he went and shared it right so this dude's a content marketing practitioner brand evangelist at agorapulse which is a huge company award-winning social media blogger so not only did he see the tweet from ken he probably checked out my video he then shared it and this is how things go viral now this didn't exactly go viral it got a lot of reach it did really well and it helped me get introduced on the radar of other people who i don't even know but this is the kind of stuff that happens over time when you focus on giving enough value and keep in mind not only did i grow a business with my wife for eight years learning all of this i had spent um does it have the date on here so this was october 22nd 2018.

So this was like a month ago from now so at that point i had been publishing videos for 26 months consecutively 26 months of hard work staying focused on my message of really this is one of those whole kind of have a mission right and i'm on a mission to pull the rug out from underneath those fake gurus that's why this works that's why ken and i have connected is because of our overlapping philosophy there and i have literally been grinding it out pounding that message beating that drum of ignore the fake gurus ignore the get rich quick do they'll play the long game it got picked up by someone else who has a big audience i've been shared in his forums a ton as well so that's that's the kind of idea and when i say it takes time this is proof that it takes time but the rewards are so worth it in the end so let's recap this is the recap for this whole part one for this whole methodology so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to find the influencers you're going to connect with them you're going to engage you're going to give value while you're doing this pay attention to how they're marketing themselves pay attention to what they're talking about these are the influencers in your industry you should be very observant of them you should know who they are if you don't go to amazon find everyone who's written a book in your topic go follow them find them on every single social media outlet literally you need to start cyber stalking them reverse engineering what they're doing but ultimately you want to start to connect and engage and give value to them you got to get creative but find ways to give value that doesn't require them to put anything on the line doesn't require them to do anything doesn't ask them for anything it just gives them value you'll get noticed create your roundup posts these are great link bait and share bait post ideas they work wonders because it just plays into that little kind of the inner child within all of us who loves when mom hung our art on the refrigerator with a magnet so you're playing into that make sure that's a part of your ongoing content game getting noticed and building relationships take time kind of went over that 90 four times at this point and always focus on giving value first without asking it works that is how reciprocity works right like we reap what we sow so go sow some seeds go sow some seeds of positivity of reach of exposure in the lives of others and you'll be amazed at what happens for you well done you made it to the end which means you're one of that one percent who actually takes action so if you made it this far and you're seeing this good on you virtual high five and leave yourself a little shout out in a comment below one percent saying that you're one of those who actually made it to the end now we've got part two coming up next it will be the next video i publish on this channel so if you have not yet subscribed definitely subscribe and hit the bell so you get the notification when that video comes out or i'll have it pop up here on the end screen if it's already out so you can just watch that now two things to do number one go put what you learned into practice number two go catch part two once that is available i thank you very much my hat i tip my hat to you and i will catch you on the next video until then be well

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