hi I'm Anastasia of anastasiablogger.com I'm a Pinterest marketing expert and today I'll show you how I'm getting on average about 80 000 monthly outbound clicks from Pinterest to my website and it's all free organic traffic and the first thing you need to do to get Pinterest traffic is make sure that users can save something from your website when you look into your Pinterest analytics you want to see a ton of other pins see I have mostly other pins in my top 10 pins and my account gets 10 plus million monthly viewers on Pinterest what does these other pins even mean it means that your account did not create those pins but they are still linked to your website so these are other people saving images from your website you probably don't realize how important those other pins are because well maybe you have never even seen them in your analytics or maybe your account is very new or you never had any popular other pins but I'm fortunate because I have seen the analytics not only on my own Pinterest accounts but also accounts of dozens or maybe hundreds Pinterest accounts of my one-on-one clients by now and you know what I noticed all the accounts that do really great on Pinterest that I've seen so far always have a ton of pins marked as other pins and usually very few pins will be marked as their own pins and they will not even pop up it at their top Pinterest analytics here is how these other pins appear in your Pinterest stats say someone found your pin on Pinterest today clicked on it to visit your website on the site they thought that your page was so great that they decided to save it to a board on their Pinterest account they can use a button like this one for social sharing on your site and they can save an image as a pin linked to your page but that will happen only if any image is available on your page for saving if you look at any pin that's marked as other pins Pinterest doesn't show you right away to which particular boards this pin was saved by other users but you can track it if you open detailed analytics on that pin and then you will click here and you can see all the boards to which other users save this pin so three things can go wrong with other pins and can limit the amount of traffic that you will get from Pinterest I noticed that in many cases people create Pinterest optimized vertical Pin images just to save them on Pinterest linked to their website but they don't make an extra step to add those optimized images to the actual page so when a visitor on your site wants to save something they cannot find a Pinterest optimized image on the page and they cannot save it with a link to your site so make sure that you added at least one vertical image with a text overlay on every page on your site another thing that I see on many sites is that they don't have any social sharing buttons either if they don't have them at all like in this post that I'm scrolling through or sometimes the buttons only show up at the very end of the post and so about 90 of the visitors will never get to those buttons and never save your pins if you have a WordPress site the easiest way to get this setup correctly is by use using the grow plugin by mediavine I don't get any reward for mentioning this plugin I wasn't sponsored by them I just use it on my own blogs for many years and it works perfectly well allowing you to use very specific settings for Pinterest to save buttons the plugin has a free version but to take advantage of all the settings for Pinterest I believe that you will need to use their paid plan and it's very affordable anyway it was 34 dollars per year last time I checked so if your site is on another platform maybe you have a Shopify store for example there are some paid apps available in Shopify App Store that will add those social buttons as well and I've seen similar solutions for Squarespace so you just need to Google the information about social sharing buttons available for your platform and definitely make sure that you test it how these buttons work on a mobile device because most of the Pinterest users are on the mobile app so you need to check how your buttons work on mobile devices again the importance of these pins saved by others from your website is huge for your Pinterest traffic and to be honest until today I only share this with my one-on-one clients but not here on the channel so if you appreciate that I'm sharing some of the trade secrets in this video give me a like and hit the Subscribe button to get more interesting tips like this also if you want to learn more about Pinterest SEO and how I get about 80 000 monthly visitors for free to my site from Pinterest watch my free Pinterest master class I will also tell you there how I can help you with your Pinterest growth in a one-on-one mode so check the link in the description below this video the second thing that's important for you to know is do not use a personal account on Pinterest if you want to get traffic from Pinterest the first rule is never use a personal account for this because your account might be easily suspended and only business account should be used to promote websites I get this question quite often can I keep using my personal Pinterest account maybe maybe you think well I have a personal Pinterest account for years so I'll just start making pins linked to my website why not well here's why first it's simply against Pinterest in terms of service so you're exposing your account to additional risk of getting suspended moreover you never know if this suspension happens Pinterest could also block your domain name for the same violation of their terms of service and then you won't be able to send traffic to your site from Pinterest even if you created a new account why would you risk so much if a business account on Pinterest is totally free and it just takes a few extra clicks to create it and if you have an established personal account in the same niche as your business you could easily convert it to a business account at any time second with a business account you can officially verify your website and according to pinch interest pins that are linked to a verified domain on your account get priority distribution and last but not least with a business account you get access to Pinterest analytics so you can get a better idea of what's working in your account and which pins are actually driving your traffic the next thing many people don't know about is that you should create three different images for each page on your site did you know how Pinterest algorithm works when users click on a particular pin that they liked and they visited your website and imagine they go back to Pinterest homepage again you know what happens next Pinterest algorithm will start showing them lots of pins similar to what they have clicked on previously some of those pins could be other images that you created for the same page that the user just visited you could get so much more exposure if you have many different Pin images linked to a particular page on your site I often get this question say You have about 50 pages on your site so people will try to make the math in their head and they will count that if they create five pins a day linked to different pages page URLs in 10 days they will run out of pins that they can ever save on Pinterest but now you know that you can and you should create more than one image for the same page URL your images should look different enough for a human eye to not recognize them as too similar usually we helps make the biggest difference is change the background image but I would also encourage you to test different styles of your text overly different size or color and different copy of the text overlay to make your pins really look different so now that you have say three different images for the same page can you just go ahead and save them all at once no the next thing I want to share with you is very important don't save different Pin images with the same URL back to back here is why first because Pinterest algorithm sees that as family Behavior like if you keep pinning the same link over and over again in a short period of time it might think you're a Spam account and that can hurt your reach or even get your account suspended we don't want that do it then the variety you know how we love to see different content on our feeds right if you keep pinning the same link it will make your boards look less appealing to your followers mixing it up is always better so you should try to use scheduling instead of posting all the free versions of pins to your page at once you can spread those pins out like save one today another maybe a week later and then another week later you can do it using Pinterest native scheduler when you're about to publish a pin instead of saving immediately click here on publish at a later date and select in the calendar any date up to a month in advance pay attention here that you can even set a specific time of publication now the time depends on where your audience lives if you target the audience in the United States but you live in another place like I live in Europe for example then you need to make the math because Pinterest scheduler is showing you the time zone your time zone typically users on Pinterest are active in the evenings around 8 to 9 pm it's the most active time so now you just need to make the math based on where your target audience is but you can schedule your pins a lot easier using Tailwind it's an other authorized Pinterest scheduler that allows you to schedule pins to several relevant boards at once you can select weekly intervals that's the best recommended practice and schedule everything in the time zone that you will set for your Tailwind account so no need to count the right time for each pin it's a paid tool so it makes sense to start using it when you have a large pinning volume if you are getting close to maybe like 10 pins a day or maybe if you need to manage several Pinterest accounts then you will find that Tailwind can save you hours of manual pinning every day and they also added by the way to the scheduler a Ghostwriter feature that helps you write pin titles and descriptions with an AI text generator so it can really help you save up some work on Pinterest I have a separate video about Tailwind scheduler and how to use it so I'll add a link to it in the description below the next rule of generating Pinterest traffic is to not try to Target too narrow and two long tail keywords on Pinterest like you would probably do on Google if your website is new these are the two reasons why I recommend you to focus on very short and popular keywords instead if you're on Pinterest the first reason is that Pinterest doesn't give any priority to older sites Pinterest just doesn't care about your domain Authority or backlinks profile like Google does competing for popular keywords is possible for any new site and for any new Pinterest account and the second reason is that Pinterest users are rarely searching for something very specific like they do on Google they don't have a long tail keyword in mind when they come to Pinterest they're open to multiple answers multiple options all the sites and search results have approximately the same chances for a click on Pinterest so you just need to make sure that your PIN stands out in terms of the design and the text overlay but when you save your pins just make sure that you choose the most relevant board first and so ideally you should find a board that has the same Focus keyword in the board title as the key phrase that you have in the pin title and after saving your PIN to the best most relevant board then you can later save it to other relevant boards but you still have to make sure that your content first goes to the most relevant boards and by doing this you will help Pinterest understand what your PIN is actually about and you will help the algorithm find the right people who will be actually interested in your content and so it will show early engagement on your pins as a high early engagement and if you want to understand better what does the most relevant Boardman and how you can Master Pinterest SEO in general don't forget to check the link in the description below this video that goes to my free Pinterest SEO checklist it's a PDF file that you can download for free and I'll see you in the next videos
How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Blog – I Get 80k/mo Outbound Clicks