hi everyone my name is Michael today we're going to discuss is your 401k really enough to retire on 20 years ago I was being destroyed with taxes especially with my investments but then I was introduced to a phenomenal tax-free strategy that changed my life that now has changed thousands of people's lives and now I'm going to help you turn your massive losses to massive profits let's go how much does retirement cost how much do you need to save and well your 401k actually pay the bills when you retire we all worry about the future it's by far the most common cause for financial anxiety you have your 401k and Ira and other Pension funds will they match up to your wants and needs for your retirement or will they leave you up the creek without a paddle as Retirement creeps closer you will be questioning whether or not you can even afford to retire we've all been there we know how it feels hi I'm Michael Andrews and today I want to talk to you about whether or not your 401k or other Pension funds will be enough to retire on not only that but what you can do about it if your current Investments won't be able to provide for you in your retirement with over 20 years of experience working in the financial industry I have learned a thing or two things that will help you to secure your dream retirement so that you can live the life you want contribute to society and continue to provide for your family Point number one let's start with what experts have to say experts at Fidelity Investments say that to retire by the age of 67 you should have 10 times your income saved they stated if you earn 56 524 per year the average yearly earnings of someone 55 years and older according to quarter 3 2020 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics you should theoretically have 565 240 saved by your 67th birthday and some experts argue that you should have doubled that but is that even enough especially when inflation and interest rates are going up in fact 45 percent of baby boomers say outliving their savings and their Investments is one of the greatest retirement fears according to the 20th annual retirement survey of workers conducted by non-profit Trans American Center for retirement studies these fears may be well founded Trans American CEO and president Catherine Collins tells CNBC select the same survey found that baby boomers have saved an estimate median 144 000 in all household retirement accounts and less than half only 40 percent has saved 250 000 or more so what are some things that you can do it is very important to estimate how much you will need to save in your retirement and what you will need to have for income you will also need an awesome retirement strategy this will help you to save through tax incentives Point number two so what is allowing our clients to make money now and have a powerful retirement first let's talk about the vehicle then we will go into the strategy right now nodes are the most powerful vehicle to create massive returns it is not just any node it is the nodes our clients are using so what is a node a node is simply a computer that runs the cryptocurrency software cryptocurrency knows cooperate with cryptocurrency miners to maintain the Integrity of the system first nodes to broadcast and relay transaction to other nodes and minors again in the context of crypto and blockchain a node is one of the computers that run the blockchain software to validate and store the complete history of the transaction on the network so now that you know what a node is let me illustrate an example when you go to the store and swipe your credit card what happens the machine says authorizing behind the scenes the system is checking your account to make sure your account is valid that you have the money or credit available that the card is valid and not expired it's also checking the businesses account to make sure they have a valid credit Processing Company to process and batch the transaction all of those things are happening and everything is being authorized and verified here's the interesting part it's all being authorized and verified by member banks on the Visa Mastercard discovered networks and the store pays a fee for those member banks to do all of that in the crypto world that verification and authentication is done by node holders and the node holders get paid just like the member banks do in the credit card world now let's get into the strategy that completes this amazing vehicle implementing the Buy and Hold strategy this is the most powerful strategy because it cuts out the noise in the market and the people around you the focus here is to buy low and sell High over time at the time of this video we are definitely in a bear market so now let's bring it all together our nodes will allow you to get paid all day seven days a week 365 days a year passively you're able to purchase a software license that pays you this way for nine to ten years you have the ability to purchase nodes that are backed by the fastest blockchain technology that can do a million transaction per second that cure all three problems in the industry like security speed and scalability or that are backed by resources like natural gas oil gold aluminum precious water and so much more clients that started in our initial project receive returns of seventy seven thousand percent in the first eight months and has created over 200 millionaires since then our clients have been involved with nine token projects we have activated over 1.6 million software mining licenses and added over a hundred thousand users and more than 110 countries currently these projects have created over 1 1 000 millionaires this is now available to you hey guys before I show you the third thing you need to know regarding if your 401k is really enough to retire on also how to get massive profits and make sure it's going to work for you just click the Subscribe and like button and leave your comment below and let me know if you're excited to learn how to invest tax free point number three due to mainstream groups like Fidelity that has over 11.3 trillion in assets under management and just recently BlackRock that has 10 trillion in assets under management the bull market will definitely be returning soon meaning that prices are going up being a Master Trader I really understand the importance of technical analysis fundamental analysis and sentiment analysis but the Buy and Hold strategy doesn't require perfect timing and detail analysis now that you are able to get notes for 9 to 10 years that you get paid on 365 days of the year you have a long-term buying home strategy that is not affected by down markets due to it being backed by natural resources short-term strategies are just the opposite it can lead you to frustration stress and more consistent Financial losses Buy and Hold strategy are good for people that don't have a lot of time as well you don't have to keep a close eye on it every day or do technical analysis or look at charts on a frequent basis the importance will be to stay focused on fundamental news and check on your position now and then what is also amazing is that we will help you to set up your account with a registered us-based company and you will be rewarded with cryptocurrency that is typically under a dollar allowing you to maximize your profits and lower your risks our VIP service will take out the guesswork and give you step-by-step assistance to ensure you get properly started within the crypto industry just this year alone people have lost anywhere from 37k to 50K and Beyond depending on how much they had in their investment I got a free gift for you I have a cool free presentation that will instruct you on our phenomenal tax-free Buy and Hold cryptocurrency strategy webinar I have rinsed and repeated this strategy over and over again it has made me and others millions of dollars I will show it to you and tell you exactly what it is go to the retirementyoudeserve.com also our VIP service costs you nothing which includes connecting you with our highly recommended custodian who has over two billion dollars in client assets and over 16 000 accounts we will also take you step by step through the process of cryptocurrency and setting up your account we do not charge you fees for purchases of cryptocurrency where most charge at least one percent again you get my phenomenal tax-free Buy and Hold strategy webinar allowing you to make massive profits through your 401k go to the retirementreserve.com by clicking the link in the description then click subscribe and leave a comment if you feel what people have in their 401K is really not enough to retire one I'll see you then [Music] thank you [Music]
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- Is Your 401K Really Enough To Retire On?