How to Create a Sales Ready Digital Product with AI in Minutes | Rachel Miller from Pagewheel

in this session we are going to talk about how to create a sales ready digital product with AI from start to finish in just a few minutes and my guest for this session is no one other than Rachel Miller she's amazing at what she does with Organic social media growth strategies and making stuff go viral she has different businesses in some very weird niches you're probably going to hear about here I connected with her actually a few years ago for some affiliate promotions I did for Stu McLaren and Ryan LEC and recently Molly Mahoney told me that she's doing some cool stuff with AI and she has his own tool called buy. a I leave a link as well if you want to check it out here in the description and as we go this is a really cool platform she's building today we're going to do like a little demo for this and showcase how you can actually do this how you can create a sales ready digital product in just a few minutes using AI which is pretty mind-blowing when you're going to see what she's going to show us here with that being said warm welcome Rachel I'm so grateful to be here I am obsessed with getting the easy button for my bit business I really love that AI has given us and been the easy button for us like your audiences it's so interesting sometimes I see people what what are they doing now because a few years ago it wasn't possible to do a lot of these things right so maybe you can tell us a little bit how did you get into this how did you actually stumble across the you know AI to develop this tool you have been working on which is called buy.

A we're going to get into out a little bit I leave links below as well so you can check it out if you're interested in watching this tell me a little bit about that how this tool came to be actually yeah well I um I I don't know if people know this but I grow viral audiences I teach people how to grow viral audiences and I also have several viral audiences of my own and so I would have like a cat audience a DIY audience a preschool audience and this like next thing you know I have like six different websites that get tons of traffic and they add they were primarily monetized yes I had some programs on it but they were primarily monetized with ad spaces because it's passive I don't have to update it I don't have to do fulfillment it was great right well Google and whatever made some changes ad Revenue started going like this so per per CPM y y y so my money was going down and I was like you do that I like making money like we don't have our money right going down what do I need to make money come back up again and I needed more products to put it for my audience and my owned products and this is something I knew from the beginning I just didn't want to put the effort so now I'm looking at my websites and I have gargantuan size website and I'm like okay I have to create products and I have DOD to create one product I have to make like 47 and N you know this like now that you're in business for a little while the first offer doesn't always work so you have to meet enough offers to test and so that you have one offer for them to turn down and the next offer for them to glove and you have to have offers to bundle together you know you have to make the strategy for it to be successful selling one thing is kind of like a shot in the wind you know you have to have like a strategy yep okay so that meant I had to make like 47 or 27 different products and I was like well dang okay so to make a digital product I get canva up I had to design the pages in canva then I had to write the pages in canva then I had to put Graphics in the pages in canva then I had to like brand a website which means I have to look at the colors of the pages on the canva thing and then put them into the sales page and then the sales page I have to write e sales page matching the product then I have to do the whole Tech where you Pi the button click and the click button makes the next thing happen and let's say you change your price like you start with 27 and then you're like oh I think we should actually be 13.99 you have to change it on every single button and an every single ad and every single email and then I can't remember of the 47 products which one did I change and which one did not and so here was this disastrous mess so I ultim Ely made this first for myself and then as I made it for myself I was like whoa this is pretty hot pretty cool like how many other people would want this too how many other people would want an instant product so what I decid created was a templatized way to make a sales page like this with AI where it actually writes the sales page for you you're not having to say I want the headlines chut gbd and chut gbd gives you 15 headlines and you're like oh I like that one copy paste enter next prompt for the sales copy page copy paste okay it takes time I didn't have that I wanted to like instantly make 27 sales Pages for 27 completely different products using my format of sales pages that had already converted and already worked Rachel were these in different Industries as well or were it Industries oh yeah because you me I I didn't even know all of this because I don't think it's so public because you have a lot of different pages not just in marketing right you have grown like millions of followers in other other niches which is really cool four million followers and they don't know who Rachel Miller is and they don't even care I because I didn't even see that in your I didn't see that so I'm glad you're saying this because it shows even more Authority from what for what you're doing so that's great well that no one no one in my my core businesses knows who I like they don't know they don't um yeah anyways so I had all these products and so I needed a way to to systematize it and then we basically got rid of a designer we got rid of a tech person we got rid of a copywriter we got rid of like we were able to grow our business without scaling our team it's just just I was just like it was like the holy gra a little bit that's so that's so awesome so why don't we you you have a little presentation prepared Rachel so why don't we get into that then we get into some questions but you're also going to demo and showcase how this is done so let's do that and yeah let's let's and like I love Summits to be more entertain in than like a slide presentation so like jump in ask questions of course yeah I I always do that so let's get into it because you have some good stuff prepared here so let's do it okay so here we go okay so that's my family and my family is the most important thing in the whole world to me guys I have one patient ridiculously patient hubby six crazy ridiculous kids five businesses four million followers I think I told you and I've been juggling businesses for 15 years we've had over 28,000 students so I've worked with so many different businesses I've seen patterns over and over again I've seen patterns of sales pages that work I've seen patterns of products that work I've seen patterns of emails of ads um we know what works most people know me for helping people go viral um these are my own business's stats about two months ago I haven't grabbed stats in a little while um like I told you earlier we have our businesses on autopilot so they bring in traffic but but I didn't have the products to sell to that audience so I needed a way to make money um that was automated without me spending 8 10 15 hours per product getting it out to the world like designing it writing it making the sales page hooking up all the tech making the email s writing the dang email I needed a way to do that simply and I needed to do that because there was a fork in the road now this is mid Journey notice mid Journey kind of delivers AI delivers kind of crap results sometimes the fork in the road for me was that ad Revenue was going down so I was making less per thousand people that visited my website than I was previously I needed more money didn't need more money I wanted more money okay so there's a fork in the road there and then the other fork in the road is ai's here but AI delivers sometimes iffy results like I asked AI give me a fork in the road give me a road with a t give me a road with going right going left it couldn't deliver a decent road so I wanted to not get stuck in that I need a chat GP to to give me a better PR better promp better results and kind of get stuck in no man's land I wanted a way that I could come to the fork in the road in my business and get results that kind of jump me ahead further and faster so I know that right now more businesses are failing than ever and that they're failing because they're not taking advantage of like seeing that fork the road and instead buring their head in the Sands and be like Oh AI is not a thing I'm I I'm not going to use AI or AI is prompts and I'm going to spend all my time on chat gbt getting the best prompts and the best prompt setup instead of actually automating part of my business and I you know Rachel one thing on the prompt thing and I I do see I do think prompt might have have its value there's a lot of people that talk about it but I tend to go for example if I want to write a blog post or like take for example this video we are doing right now I'm not going to bring the transcript into chat gbt that's going to take forever so I'm going like to a tool if if I'm like let's say I'm a blogger I want to go into a tool specific tool like content at scale for example put in this post because I don't need to prompt and and give chat like chat you need to give so many instructions but I I prefer to just give answer a few questions let's say I want in the voice of Neil Patel or Brian Dean I go in there and that basically creates this amazing post and I've tested this it works really well so I can imagine like your tool or what you're sharing here is a little bit similar you answer probably a few questions about your audience about different things and that's that's basically how it how it works right you don't need to prom that your businesses know who Their audience is what if they've never sold before do they know who their perfect person is they probably don't if they haven't got into business of course they don't know it but it helps to know a little bit but no knows AI knows AI knows who the best person is AI know what voice is the best so why are we trusting us to know who the best customer is for yoga when the search engine they already know who's looking for and buying yoga so we shouldn't have to tell AI different things about our nation I think we should just say I'm a yoga studio AI tell me what what I was referring to I think is more you have probably a certain way of writing that you want to convey but the audience of course needs to be if the if you see what's coming up in Google when you're seing searching for something about yoga maybe that is the kind of customer you are trying to attract if you want to rank on Google that's what I could imagine what we need to know is that if we're not on the AI bandwagon we're going to be shut down we're going to have where we're going to be on the losing end of the spectrum because you can do so much with AI but even big companies like BuzzFeed are actually downsizing their companies letting go of a whole branch of their company because AI is coming in and they saw the writing of the world businesses that don't get on board they are going to struggle instead of being Blockbuster who said you know what we're going to continue to create a great experience in our stores for people to come in and get a video and they can have the whole picking out their video process we don't want to have it where people have to pick out their their content we don't want to have it where people have to do uh a hoop or jump through different get in line to create their content change is not bad change is a good thing and if you don't get on board all of these companies and move to streaming move to the instant says Easy Button you're going to struggle so for me I believe AI is changing the world I know that because they've got 173 million users but those users are pre creating content a lot like this where social media they po post what chbt or content or whatever po creates for them they post it and it looks like chat GPT wrote it that's if my guess is a lot of you don't have all day to spend training chaty P to give you what you need and then formatting it to use it we need an easy button and that's what we created our customers are going to fail if they don't have an easy button and we are going to fail if we don't have an easy button we could be like chasing cats when you're creating content it feels I have to go make it in canva I have to go write the copy I have to design it I'm not a designer do these colors look good I have to go plug everything into the sales page I have to if feels like I'm either chasing cats trying to remember all of the pieces that I need to create my online business or I'm chasing the cats as in where' they go come on back I I'd like you to be my customers please I know there's an easier way the easier way is that you need to have three things in order to be successful you you have a person that you're going to help you're going to need to have a problem that you're going to solve if you know the person if you know the problem I'm going to help overweight women get um lose weight with the process of yoga if you can know those three things just those three words you don't need to fill out anything else we can have ai create your entire sales page and your product and your emails and your ads and your blog post with only those three pieces you just need to know your person your problem and your process we will be your Easy Button step one find your person I help small business owners get attention and leads even when they can't run an ad or even if they don't understand their numbers even if they've never sold anything before get this one thing straight in your company and in your business that's all you need to know in order to help your audience now my goal whenever we created our RI tool was I made it for me I hate I am like so allergic to Tech I'm allergic to programming the clock in my car when the time changes like I'm hopeless I'm allergic to changing the temperature in my thermometer thermostat my home I hate Tech don't ask me to reprogram my remote control so I can watch different TV channels even if we switch from Disney to Hulu or whatever it is I can't do that and I was thinking who else is just like me and struggling with tech we need an easy but I wanted make it where grandma or any other technophobe can create a digital product and everything to promote it in under 15 minutes so that's not you're not having to tell chat GPT different things about your customer you're not having to have a dialogue with it you're not having to fill out a survey in 15 minutes from start to finish what was taking me days now takes 15 minutes we need a product that's there you need a product you need a sales page you need a way to promote that product so that's emails ads um blog post copy whatever it is that you've social media post ladder post you need a way to get that product out to the world now a lot of times when we make the product we spend all this time making the product then we make the sales page and we're so burned out we don't actually properly create all the assets to promote it I wanted to way to make the entire thing in 15 minutes but it got better and we did it in four minutes na do you want to actually watch us build it in four minutes yeah I'm I'm Gonna Keep you accountable on this Rachel but yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm blown away this is really cool actually tell me a random Niche right now I'll tell one for one of my students she's a harpist let's see if that works she's a harpist she has done Summits on harp music basically yeah I'm going go back more copy and we're going to go up here we're going to say har harpist yeah training for other harp harpists basically she's like training and things like that for other harpists that's usually what she she helps people with it musical to be a better okay and we're going to tell it to create do you want to have it create your social media first or your blonde uh let's let's start with something simple social media first so while that's running I'm going to come up here we're going create the digital product so start your timer what time is it r now at my end here 259 okay 259 let's go we're going to hit create dig product we're going to say we want to create it for harp music so we'll do uh we'll do life goals a goal setting and a calendar we'll do music with that one and come up here and see if we got any music once we may not but that's okay if we don't we can still make it with others so we're going to do the time block schedule and let's do a L to positivity and we'll add it with music okay so I created my batch what my batch is is it has different pie pages that I can use inside my product now one thing guys a problem is that I work with a lot of different accounts so I'm always having to log into other ones and it's freezing on me because I'm not I wasn't logged in so I have to log in again because I'm Rachel who did customer service for people this morning so let me log back in this is still inside my timer though see if I can still do it even with it okay and log back in and and that only happens to me because I log into so many different people's accounts to fix things or you know how it works when you're running business okay um I'm in now and I'm going to do oops we're going to do life Focus so we're g to focus on training hours for Harps and breaking down the plan and harp practice schedule okay so I'm hitting edit and now I'm going to go in and it's going to create a colors for it I don't think I like that purple it kind of looks icky um I do like the Happy color but I could go in and change any other color palette that I want or I can add a custom palette custom colors I can change the fonts I can change the color of the pages or I can say I like that branding look and next Once I hit next then I can see the pages now they're written right now with AI um on the topic of being productive so productive practice and we're going to add just a little bit Focus heart playing Power okay and GNA go to the next page add a little bit of harp into that one and break it down once I have my pages and I've WR I've added a little bit to the those pages now I can go in and I can add custom pages so I'm going to go in here and I'm going to talk about playing the heart professionally it's going to write her about me page so she doesn't have to wonder what description I give about [Music] myself so here it is there's the heart page she can now upload a picture of herself playing the harp um we'll just upload just a random picture from my phone my computer here so she has now branded it to herself we're going to go through we're going to add like um practice list um let's do 12 different things to do when she's practicing playing the heart professionally it's writing her checklist for her it's done so there's her attend to become a professional heart person she needs enroll in professional lessons network with other musicians she needs to create an impressive online portfolio she needs to contact local venues for gigs okay so we've got that one we're going to say add that to the page let's how many more pages do we want naid cuz you can have as many as you want you can keep going forever yeah I mean do you this is like do you customize this sometimes afterward I mean for examp to add more personality and stuff I assume you would have to customize something in the in the product or what do you do for Depends the niche I guess but if you want to go and customize it you can rewrite any of the content but A's already written it for you so you don't have to create the prompt you don't have to write the the page and what typically you say the price point your I mean this is a smaller product so I mean so so what do you what in the niches you're active in what do you what do you usually sell for like a smaller product with some pages like checklist or I I don't know what you sell in in these different Industries you're in yeah so generally what we suggest is that you sell it for $7 $7.99 unless you're adding like a um like a video course to it and we actually have a where you can upload a video into it later um okay interesting cool yeah so we just shorten it up a little bit and let's make that bold you can change any of the colors like right now this one's blue let's say I want it to be orange so now notice the page just changed and now it's colorful and blue um once you've got it where you like it and we'll make that one orange too you can change any of the colors that you want like oh I don't like that being green I want it to be blue there we go when you've got your pages and you like them then you can rearrange them if you want to to I can go up here and be like whoops close I can be up here and be like o I want to move this page to the front and I want to move my checklist right after that and then I want to have this one right there so I can rearrange the pages any way I want it will actually rewrite my my cover and my title for me so I'll say 6h hour uh let's do a the productive harpists yeah plan professional plan [Music] okay I can go through and pick a title a cover so I don't have to design the cover you already told us the colors that you liked and it goes through and it makes the cover for you matches it to your title it will give you a mockup and that will go onto your sales page your emails and your ads you like the book there it is like it use it awesome publish okay so how long did that take me na I mean we had some with the login but yeah maybe people people probably call us out on it so maybe it was like five five because we started around three actually was just turning 3 o'cl here now it's 305 306 but we have I didn't get it done in four minutes but did you think you could build the entire product I think people forgive us for this you know so that was a little bit with a login for you so I also talked a little bit in between you know I'm sure if you I'm sure if you recorded this like separately now we are doing like a recording here streaming like remotely so that's that takes but it's still really impressive by the way you created it in six minutes yeah perfect in six minutes and but that's not all you made because it made your sales page for you too wow at the same time so it's basically taking this uh copy and things like that and it's yeah that's pretty that's pretty cool there it is so we're okay going to do its thing it's what it's doing is it's running all the prompts for you so you don't have have to wonder what your prompts are it will actually go and make your prompts for you um you can sell it by clicking sales page or you can say it's the lead magnet and now all the language everywhere says lead magnet it doesn't say it says download it it doesn't say so you don't need to sell it like if you feel that this is not valuable enough to sell maybe that's better to use to generate leads for list building that is also possible so that's great and you can go back let's say you sell it as a lead you do it as a lead magnet now and then you're like oh it's going bers we've gotten so many people on it I want to add more pages to it and now I want to sell it you can easily go back add more pages click here and Sal page now you're selling it you don't have to change it in your the the price in your ad you don't have to change it in all of the buttons I don't know if any of you have built a sales page before and you start editing the pricing in one spot and you miss one button yeah it it automatically goes and finds all of the places where you say the price and fixes it all at once that's nice because I mean it's good also like you know you have seen like when people selling like books they can have like a preview for as a lead magnet and then they can sell the the main thing for like a little bit more so you can have like people can check it out maybe you have like a checklist and then you have like a little more like a full guide as a for like $7 or whatever that's like still an intro offer but you might have more expensive products later on you know maybe a video course or something so well this actually you can add this to a video course so like down here we've got the thank you and the delivery page you can change it from a basic thank you page to video delivery page and now you have videos that you add in and you can add more videos you can add several videos like here I'm going to add a second video so is that like a membership site or is that like a page like so it's more like a page so where they have a log to it but for the majority of us that are wanting to say sell this for $27 now doesn't matter as much actually stack of videos in there and now it's it's a the most important do something simple maybe you're just getting started as a Creator then this is like a very easy way to just get going to not feel like you know bogged down with all the tech because you need to set up a lot of different things even if you're using like easy to use tools you still need to set up certain things they don't connect in this at least I haven't seen a tool that connects in this way which is really cool and it writes it all for you you're looking to maximize your productivity and Achieve excellent no notice that the language now this is something that you were talking about niid you want it to write in your tone well harpus are naturally more serious they're more educational they're more AI knows I don't have to tell AI right in the voice of a harpus um who the AI knows that a harpus is more studious and more professional it's going to write it in words like expand your repertoire and improve your Technique it's going to use the language of an a harvest if I was writing this about a um my daughters like I want you to do one for a green pickle okay I was on live just like this and my daughter I don't know if you guys know know this I have six kids so my daughter was actually in the chair that you guys can't see cuz she was supposed to be doing her homework and she hadn't been doing her homework so she was failing one of her classes so she's sitting here where I can watch and make sure she's doing her homework and I'm like so what nce do you want and she's like green pickle candles I'm like oh my God so we it knew it was a joke it knew it was a joke and they're like this practical joke will make every kid snort life and you're just like how did not to say that AI knows if you trust AI if you feed AI the right content whereas we fed it like AI tell us who this person is and create it for the best customer AI knows that AI creates it for you so what I what I think what I for example for for a lot of the stories and things that are personal that is more difficult to get right but like for the AUD what you're talking about is like for the offer to get okay we are riding for harpus I mean that that is pretty they can probably see who who they're going to do you can tweak something so if you want to have a story of how you got started with har harp you know playing the harp instrument you can probably add that if you know you don't have that that's if you want W even tell you here's the general story that we have so the general story what is the story here like that would be interesting to see music has always been my passion the harp is that was a child playing this instrument like it actually writes General this is if that matches that's perfect but I mean that that even if it doesn't match it's very easy to change it it gives you something to start from so you're not having that empty space just play that Chad gbt give me all the ideas and let me hook them up okay once you're done though I'm going to go back up here and make sure it's a lead magnet just because I don't want my stripe hooked up into here so you guys see my stripes okay yeah I notice it auto saves for you but if you're ever worried about it just always the orange buttons are the I call it the yellow brick road as long as you're clicking the yellow brick road it's saving as you go so here was my sales page I'm going to do basic one and I'm going to say looks good next oh it's ask me to put in my card um there we go M so you can even drive it to your traffic for your next this integrates with stripe your this this okay got it and there's my sales page cool it's coming very quickly everything it's like based on the information it was really I mean it's the probably the fastest I've seen something up like that which is really yeah I mean it's it's very it's like so beginner friendly for someone to just get an offer out which is yeah especially when you're like you said you're testing in so many markets how how could you possibly do that if you didn't have like something like this we needed to create 47 different products and I needed a way to make tons of them at one time so right now you guys you can see here's an ad a photo post ready for you to go um it's a we have a sales email so you can send this to your current list or a delivery email this automatically goes to your audience so you don't have to hook up that email it's here it's already sending to your people how do you can you explain that a little bit how it's this like an email tool in uh like built-in or you hooked it this up to your email or copy this to your email provider so we we run the sales through stripe and our like stripe our stripe account connects with your stripe account is this an email that go on the purchase yeah when they when somebody purchases or they download it for free it sends the notice through stripe and mail still need your email provider right you would still sorry like you would still need something to send your you know or you know regular communication like convert kit or whatever you use yeah you can come on up here and you can see your list and down here you can set up zaper and it will automatically send your the people that signed up with us into your own list or you can download the CSV and do whatever you want with your list after you but we only send your delivery email we're not we're not your marketing like we won't we are not contacting the people after that point are you going to have like direct Integrations at some point maybe like for for certain tools the issue with that is whenever I interviewed my audience and asked them where they wanted to have direct Integrations they had 15 different providers oh my God and um no I'm not making that many apis yeah that is that is a lot of apis I was thinking like yeah convert like the popular ones like what 15 then someone will complain right then I why did you get convert get this one get the yeah but you can see like maybe with time they you know you'll see what you do but it's still quite new the tool right you have like you're just you're adding new features and things like that we just our most recent one that we featured now this is copy shop if you want more content like you're like oh I didn't get enough you can come over here to the dashboard and I have a product I want you to create my promotion content and that takes you to the busy copy shop and the busy copy shop gives you like here it says tell me more about your product we'll create your copy a harpus training program to become a better musician I hit social content and then take me to my content here's the content that you created because you said you wanted social media post it gives her her post for Facebook her post for Instagram her post for Pinterest which are different types of Facebook groups um it gives her post per platform if she wants to have it organized right now it gives this instantly Rachel like after you have entered this like the first thing we did the creating the product then he gives this instantly basically all the different things based on what we based what we we entered into the tool basically the information yeah very cool yeah this and right now this is the bonus and video scripts this is the bonus for if you're um signing up into busy um you get the additional tool as well so it's kind of cool now we just did s social content you can also do say like um business branding and you're like oh I want to know more about like my avatar and who they are and how to how to reach that person better it will give you content to help you Market to that person based on what AI said so this is this is actually this section right here helps you know what AI thinks your person is so you can go into my Avatar and be like okay who is my person a AI is going to say this is the person who has been most likely to purchase um harp in the past and harp training for harp music training or whatever it is you know they're the ones they know what it's most likely the person's going to be and what they most likely want and what their their like heart issues are um they want to connect in a supportive environment with connecting with other musicians and mentors who share the passion actually true because that's exactly what the my student Diana created she created like Beyond her Summit she did she created like I I believe she's still doing this but she was cre she created like a membership site which is like for Community right it's like and it's exactly what the AI is saying there you know they in the tool and so anyways my point is you don't need to create all this yourself AI does it all for you um and so here we've got testimonials that you can have um now I we want you to ethically share them what I mean by that is how many of you have had a a student who's loved your program and they say it's great and you're like well I can't really use that as a testimonial at all it's great means like okay and go so what results did you get I got good results okay which of these three testimonials do you think is most appropriate for you would you mind if if this was something for you and now the test the person doesn't have to start from scratch so that's how I see you using the testimonials so we've had people say it's not ethical to give the testimonials I'm like well you try getting a testimonial from your audience my audience says it's amazing I'm like well that's great but like details flee yeah you need mean you need to ask the right question I've done a lot of testimonials for my programs but this can help with certain people who are not like you know so talkative or they don't like to write too much whatever or they are not good on video whatever so you can still get something from them which is which is great of course yeah so here's head and heart reasons they say no Solutions so these are reasons why people want to buy this is so useful by the way this is like really really because that this is this is probably one of the hardest things when you're writing like sales copy to actually get this right because you might you might check your competitors and whatever you might check and and you then it looks like the same as the everyone else but this is good you know so I mean this is great fun yeah that's that's the tool that I made and I made it because I wanted people to not have where they were like stuck um with that blank slates or stuck like me spending hours and hours and hours and hours and hours guys I'm fast I'm fast in the market like I think I could create a product from start to finish the old way in like eight or nine hours and just so you guys know some people it takes weeks months to create the product the writing the sales page hooking up all the tech I was doing it in eight hours and my team was like woohoo we're doing it I'm sit here going I just did five and I have 20 like 42 more to go I can't spend 42 more days doing this and if you're like that too you know that you need multiple offers you need ways to scale an offer multiple times you don't want to get stuck hbt where you're using any ey and you're like stuck go okay well now I got 15 headlines I have to tweak which one I want there yeah there's there's a lot of decisions when it comes to using chat gbt you have to like decide a lot of things right you actually the AI doesn't dare you have to be the ruler you have to actually decide chbt is not going to do it for you really I mean if it does he might not be the best but with this tool you just basically can get going and you don't have any too many decisions to make which is great but I wanted to ask you one thing like when you're these are smaller products have you used this to create what what are the most premium products you used for this tool like have you used this for longer video courses which is like in a members area as well or something like that I don't know what kind of products you have for your other niches I know you're marketing entrepreneur brand but I don't know too much about other ones my biggest thing that I did using this tool is I have it actually I so one last night um so I I literally this guy had asked me to build one for who and I was like I'll do it eventually I'll do it eventually he asked the third time and I said yes and so um he's wiring the money to me today it's a $5,000 content pack where I will create the content for whatever your business is I'll create the content usually it's 60 to 90 days worth of content for your business um and I create it package it and give it to you um what us through how how you what us through the process for as like such a premium off I mean it's similar but but like to sell this and to get it into the tool so what I do is I run through copy shop and I was like okay give me my conversation starters and then I take the conversation starters and I run it probably three times so I say I want social starters is what we call them inside the copy pack I run it three times and I get the three different results from it and it delivers when I do it three times it gives me probably 90 results and I only give the customer 60 so I delete 30 of it but how fast is it to delete 30 dud responses um for me it's pretty fast so I get the C copy thing I put it into a spreadsheet because they want to see their content in the spreadsheet they don't want to see in coffee shop so I put it into a spreadsheet then I go in and I go to the social media Keller post and I run that and I run that three times and that gives me 28 * 3 um oh like almost 80 I think it's like six 76 different um video ideas that then that becomes their video content plan and again I only give them 60 so of the 76 I removed 16 from that I removed 16 things that I don't think will work for them then I go through and I do the head of heart objections and I create those and I stick them onto canvas slide so now we've got canva templates I've got 100 of them I pick say 15 of the best canvas slides that this person uses I use bulk upload and I upload those now it does take me probably like oh maybe an hour and a half 2 hours to remove the 50 thing the 15 things D to run this the the automation but I give the customer a pack of content that's 90 days worth of their social media post and I give that to them for $5,000 and that's generated through copy shop and I tell them do not pay me $5,000 I would rather that you use the tool and you can make it yourself but when when their companies these companies that hire me they generally just lost their social media person they don't care like that this person does not care about their social at all he is like he's the owner and he's golfing and he's like mostly retired now his social media person quit he doesn't want it to deal with it there's like turmoil in his company can you please just make the content pack and we'll have somebody yeah so that's where um it's best for that type of person but yeah I'm selling those and I sell usually between four and six of those a month um at w that's that's so interesting that you can use it for like maybe you have like a service business or whatever and I mean I know that's not maybe your main business for sure you're doing more like pools tons of customers who that's what they're doing they're making these that other people can use so they're making them like they're making custom client packets for them to do as their coaching so they'll make a planner and customize it to the customer so now that customer during their coaching calls goes through the specific planner they customize to their and you're honest that you're using the tool too but but they want it done for you and they of course you're spending yeah you're spending some time on it but it's like what what is like two even three even a few hours for like $5,000 that's a pretty good starting point you know I mean maybe if you're starting out you wouldn't charge five grand but like a th000 $2,000 for like a Content pack or something is still good when you're starting out right so that yeah you and I tell my audience my students a busy the people at who purchased busy.

AI like this is what I'm selling go sell the same thing for last to your people like and you could tell them Rachel's selling this for $5,000 but I'll sell it to you for a th000 or whatever I'll sell it to you for $28 I don't care like go do it very interesting so you're basically creating an offer and selling that for $5,000 using this tools that that makes it like the r is there you know so it's it's awesome that's that's a pretty good way to put it okay I started in originally because to to pay for my developers my developers were kind of expensive especially when we were starting out and so um we and we self-funded so we had no like any it's been fun um so so yeah so I originally started doing the content packs because we needed to like make payroll for our developers and then now we're doing the now we have enough users that users payroll so we're fine um but now we're still doing that so we still have the content packs being sold and I literally have people like the guy I told him no three times and he's like no seriously I just need this please I'm like okay so we we sell out every single month those packs which now generates a whole another quarter million dollars almost per profit in the sense yes it take like 2 hours of work but it's almost pure profit because of AI so and that's such a good that's such a good side benefit which which you didn't probably that's not the intention of the to me you had other intention of the tool but tell tell me a little bit more like some yeah we have talked about some digital Pro what what's other use cases for this that you can see coming for people like different types of Creator businesses and things like that what they can potentially use this for to sell different products we have the the ghl and clickfunnels integration so we're working on that that's coming out probably in like that would be so exciting actually because that would because if you want a little bit more custom right that's what that's what this is for like if you want because I think you are using something like that probably in your main business right yes yeah so we would be able to click one click and take everything that you've created inside copy shop and drop it into GOI levels like like automation sequence or take everything from copy shop we're busy and post it onto your sales page of clickfunnels and then edit it inside of clickfunnel you tap into a whole different audience when you do like that's like uh like maybe some people don't want to use the build like if you have the running businesses for a while you maybe using clickfunnels or maybe word WordPress whatever you're using you might want to use your own Pages or your own design or whatever then you can do that pretty soon so that's exciting what I love about that concept of of using um your sales page you can now use copy shop or busy and just be a copywriter who sets up people's sales pages and you could do that at scale for any Niche instantly because it will write your sales page copy for you so when you go to a new customer or a new like agency like I'm going to be your website designer you can go to the website and be like okay what of these three websites without them paying you a thing which of these three websites do you like the most because this is what my customer company can do for you and we're going to actually build it for you almost in real time because you can do that using copy shop like that's a huge mic drop wow moment to knock the socks out of the uh customer so I can see us moving into a having agency use as soon as we turn that on being like this what I can see like what I like for example with you know having when you get these Integrations with byy you can basically like for examp with click funs you can have like bump offers you can have one click upsells that would be more I mean that would be crazy if you I mean if you built all that do go for it but it's already existing so it's better to maybe have other tools integrating that already is working on this 24/7 to make it the best tool so it's like awesome you know I just thought a use case um affiliate offers so let for Ryan Le or Jeff Walker whoever you're talking about earlier um so you're an affiliate for them and you're like oh crap it's Friday and I got the reminder email to start promoting them on say Monday is when they start their pre-launch and I'm like oh well I was actually going to go camping this weekend so I have I don't know 15 minutes to throw together a promotion for next week you can do that when busy because here's your bonuses if you sign up here's your D here's your sales page for it it's written then you have to put the bonuses you'd have to like copy and paste it a little bit because we don't have it set up for like affiliate Links at this time like we don't have a set up like that but you'd have the product I think you can get it out the door within half hour this is so this is a really good use case because honestly like for I mean you have done a lot of affiliate promotions me me as well there's like a lot of competition going on right for the best bonus packages and things like that so you might use like a tool like BC to actually come up with some of this and actually have really compelling copy for these bonuses that everyone else they're having different bonuses and values and things like that me I'm I'm not actually super competitive in I know it seems like I am because I me get on to the leader boards a lot of but what I am is I do it because they're my friends and I love I love supporting the people that I'm I affiliate for I feel kind of fun as well it's like fun to be part of some of them right I often don't remember that I'm doing it until literally literally right before so um I'm like the last minute type of girl and it's not I said yes to them 6 nine months earlier and then it's the night before I'm like oh crap I got to do that this is what this is for because you don't have to spend eight hours pulling it all later um so you can still go camping with your kids to be able you know that's an actual real life story guys that I did spend eight hours creating an offer because I forgot about other thing because I'm going camping yeah totally happened to me um I could just make it now in 15 minutes no but I I love that you create for I mean you created this tool because you needed a tool like that and that that's basically how it is like we have had for my virtual Summit stuff we have done like with VSM and things we have had like a lot of templates and building like a to Virtual Summits AI basically to to just have this spit out all the things they need so they like like imagine going into chat gbt to do all this will take forever right like if someone would model the cop that would take forever but having like a few like kind of like filling the it's like the next level of filling the blank copy but like you're actually just getting it done for you a lot faster that's basically what it is so and I want you guys know too let's say you're working in one language and you want to work in another one I'm going to move into the this is not live yet but this will be live I was gonna ask you about this as well what what if you what if you're in a different language like Spanish or something so this I believe is Portuguese cool and I'm going to say I want to have this is about how do I become a programmer in of PHP teach me how to become a pro I don't speak that language so I don't know exactly what that is then said but I believe it's something PHP which I believe is how to become 30 days to becoming a programmer of PHP it will create your content for you now it takes a little bit longer when it's translating into a different language just so because like it's not as instant as it is in other um other when it's in English it's a lot faster but it is still you're able to have this in Portuguese and Spanish and um chines Portugues and Spanish are releasing next week about Chinese Chinese is coming just like I'm coming not for a while actually okay okay maybe maybe you don't have I you might not have too big of a Chinese audience well the Chinese audience is not on Facebook so a lot of the places that I mark it to they're not present no I'm just joking because it's like a huge language you know so or or Hindi or something like this you know we are hoping to have Hindi we are really okay cool I mean they're really big on social media you know so might be good for you hug we're targeting languages that are using Facebook and Instagram marketing because otherwise it doesn't really like sure why would you want this yeah yeah makes sense makes sense yeah maybe they do if we have people asking we'll we'll make it obviously but very very interesting very cool like I I'm really excited for the Integrations you're coming with with the click funnels and I don't know would you come with WordPress would it be possible to have WordPress as well integrated some people are using that as well the way it's the integration would work with blog you take your blog post and drop it into WordPress we would probably Focus first on ghl then click funnels then lead pages and then we'll go in order of what people in our community have of course no but it's still still good you can still copy this in like you can copy this into like a sales page you're already using or something like that that is also possible or like you use this cop that's probably how I would use it because I have already my sales Pages my co my my page design and things like that but if I use if I use this tool I would go in and like you know go to copy chop or whatever and actually getting the the things I need and then drop that into my sales page or landing pages and things like that so I can see many or for the for sure for the affiliate affiliate bundles and things like that it would be super useful to do that let's say I need a fast action bonus because you know I need to get some more sales for something or you know offer some more value to my audience then I can go in there and come up with some ideas or even generate the whole thing which Rachel showed us here and I love that right now Chachi BT does not deliver great results for other countries um so what we've done is we make it run in English and then we have it automatically translate the English so they get the full benefit of the US um AI like models um so yeah so yeah so we actually have more tools for um Portuguese and Spanish than believe even if they go to chat gbt and open AI they won't get the results that we give them yeah very this is so great thanks for sharing this talk about the different voices Oh this is also yeah this is interesting as well for for the audience I think yes we'll give you a voice that's a fun voice we'll give you a voice that's an educational and training voice and then we give you the the hard sale convert right now sign up with lots of scarcity and Ur direct copy sending seven emails the last night kind of yes the last night emails so I would go to this this one for the last night this one would be before you launch um and this one would be during launch and and before so um but yeah those would you also like something interesting would you also be able to add different let's say you your favorite marketer would you also be able to add that at some point like no no not right now I've I've seen I've seen that in some tools like you can add like you know John Benson or like some copywriter or something you like and you want it in this style or Gary Halbert the reason why we chose not to is we want to make it where it can be made in 15 minutes or less so the what you need to do to make it in 15 minutes or less basically means that you need to have fewer decisions um so I trust that the majority of people they either want to sell like Hard Sell or they want to be fun and the girl next door or they want to educate and train Their audience like that's the majority of voices so what do you do use the most Rachel for your products because you in fun one yeah I I would say like in certain niches maybe the Hard cell is not that you have to know your audience pretty well but yeah yeah that's because where like if you're picking John Benson you probably want to pick the sales one the far if you're picking like say Tony Robbins you'll probably want to pick the middle one and if you're picking say another voice yeah but but it makes sense you you you kind of also it's like who you are as a person maybe you don't feel good to do this at like when you're starting out so let's let's and also like if you're audience they are in yoga or something like that or whatever it is or harpus you probably wouldn't send like such a hard hard cell email like that they probably wouldn't feel too good about it so yeah you have to just think about what who you're marketing to so sure but what we do give you copy in each of those so let's say they are a harpus and they usually hang out in educational land they can switch to selling um a hard s in a while and they can't have that copy right of course cool been awesome yeah I'm blown away you can I mean if you want to check out BC you can go also to na.

LBC you can I I think you have few two different plans right for people if they want to check it out 20s oh oh oh oh oh okay a lot of you are thinking this might be super expensive um my competitor is selling this for 2,99 you told Rachel told me this in the in our free chat and I was like wow this is crazy because it's not that expensive to run the you know the API calls and things like that but it's great that you are selling it it's really affordable by the way for everyone watching s bucks like you can get pizza that's more expensive than this yeah that's true in Miami for sure I was just there so Miami Pizza in one place no it was over 30 bucks actually that's all right I've been allergies I live in Texas and I know everybody else experienced fall like two months ago and that's when your allergies all started yeah it's Texas now and this is the season so yeah yeah no but Rachel really enjoyed this this is great and I hope everyone watching this leave your biggest uh takeaways in the comments if you're a little bit Blown Away what this can do and also for the additional features that are coming maybe when this goes live or you know when you're watching this then you actually have some of these features Rachel in the tool so yeah you can check it out leave some links below as well but Rachel do you have any final words of wisdom for someone who is looking to get into Ai and dable in this world I think you need to be really careful to not get stuck into digital hoarding where you're just making more work for yourself kind of like I showed you guys that fork picture where I went to Mid journey and I spent like 10 minutes asking mid Journey for a fork in the road and asking mid Journey for a fork a a split in the road a two different direction Road M Journey wasn't giving me what I was looking for a lot of times AI is a distraction and it's giving you like junk right it's giving you something digital trash that you can't actually use I don't think that's helping anyone's business move forward um I the reason why we created busy was because we wanted to create an instant tool that at least gets you 90 80% there and then you have something that you can iterate on later or make better or test with your audience but either way you got it done in 80% and 80% done is better than 15 minutes on Mid journey and getting something that's imperfect that I can't use just spending hours and running prompts to get something um that's what I want to stop people from getting I call the prompt in the chat GPT Insanity um where you just create yeah for I mean especially you know your audience and also it's like a lot faster to do something like that if you want to test products especially like you know you want to test a lot of products or come up with this the last night before you need to send out like a bonus email for a launch or something like that well that's going to take a little more time maybe using something like chat gbt I use chat gbt a lot for ideation and things like that and for certain things but for something like this it's better with maybe more of a specific tool but either way this has been really awesome I'm going to leave the links to byy and some stuff Rachel's you know you her website and everything below here and leave a comment if you're Blown Away what bsy can do I'll leave the link to check it out na.

linky you can sign up try it out see if it's for you and see all the features Rachel is going to add to it as well so thanks so much Rachel for coming on here and I'll talk to you guys very soon sh for now.

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