
LeadsLeap Review & Bonus

Hi Phillip, Have you heard of Google’s toothbrush test?

It is a simple question that Google will ask before it decides whether a new product is worth developing.

The question is,

“Is it something that people will use every day?”

Let’s see how Google applies this test to its business…

Google started as a search engine, but that’s only the beginning.

Look around you. https://trafficgrab.co.uk/FREE-Membership

How many things around you are related to Google? Gmail, Google Drive, Google Doc, Android, Google Map, just to name a few.

Google has become an integrated part of our lives, not because of its search engine, but because of the other services that it provides. Every tool that it provides is yet another way for it to remind us of its existence.

Google didn’t just create any tool. It creates tools that we will use daily, like a toothbrush!

As we use these tools, we get reminded of Google.

It is a good user retention strategy. https://trafficgrab.co.uk/FREE-Membership

I like the Toothbrush Test.

I do the same test whenever I decide on a new tool in LeadsLeap.

But instead of simply asking whether it is something that people will use every day, I ask,

“Is it something that our members will use every day and will bring us free publicity?”

Take our link tracker for example. It is something that our members will use every day for tracking. It is also free publicity for LeadsLeap because the tracked links come with our brand.

As more members use it, more new users will be referred to our system passively.

The same goes for our other tools. https://trafficgrab.co.uk/FREE-Membership

It’s an important secret of how we manage to retain our members and keep our member base growing for years.

So, if you want to build a strong brand, think about Google’s Toothbrush Test.

To your success, Kenneth

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