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Learn the Step-by-Step Tactics to Grow Your Website’s Traffic on Google by 80% with SEO Expert Matt Diggity’s Power Hubs and Top of Funnel Content Strategy.

– In this video, you’ll get a step-by-step guide on how to grow your website’s traffic
A website is essential for businesses and individuals looking to create a digital footprint. However, having a website is not just enough; it is crucial to drive traffic to the website to increase exposure and, as a result, boost conversions.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to grow your website’s traffic.
1. Optimize your website for search engines:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of growing your website’s traffic. Your website needs to be easily discoverable by search engines like Google. To achieve this, ensure that your website is optimized with the right keywords, meta descriptions, and titles.
2. Create Quality Content:
Quality content is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. Ensure that your website has informative, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. The content should be well-structured, easy to read, and optimized with relevant keywords.
3. Leverage Social Media:
Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are effective channels for driving traffic to your website. Share your website content on these platforms and engage with your followers regularly.
4. Utilize email marketing:
Email marketing is a cost-effective method of driving traffic to your website. Create an email list and send out newsletters, promotional offers, and relevant content to your subscribers. Ensure that your email content is engaging, relevant, and optimized with relevant keywords.
5. Collaborate with other websites:
Collaborate with other websites to create backlinks to your website. Backlinks are crucial for search engine optimization and can help drive traffic to your website. Reach out to other websites in your niche and offer to guest post or collaborate on content.
6. Utilize Paid Advertising:
Paid advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. Google Ads and social media advertising platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.
7. Monitor website analytics:
Monitoring website analytics is essential to understanding how well your website is performing. Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Based on the data, adjust your website content and marketing strategies accordingly.
In conclusion, growing your website’s traffic requires effort and time. Follow these steps to optimize your website for search engines, produce quality content, leverage social media, utilize email marketing, collaborate with other websites, utilize paid advertising, and monitor website analytics to drive more traffic to your website. on Google. You’re about to learn the same tactics I use to increase traffic by 80% for my client and one of the hardest niches on the planet. We’re gonna go over power hubs, an incredibly powerful, no pun intended, website architecture that puts Google on easy mode. A top-of-the-funnel content strategy that will bring you low competition and valuable visitors.A variation on the site size explosion link-building technique only taught in my course, The Affiliate Lab, and much more. My name is Matt Diggity, and I’m the owner of The Search Initiative, an international SEO agency managing some of the biggest brands on the internet. Today, I’m gonna open up the book on some of our best SEO tactics, but before I do that, let’s take a look at the case study itself and the incredible challenge that it posed. My client is in the finance niche, one of the most competitive niches as you can imagine.

Overcoming Challenges in the Highly Competitive Finance Niche with Progressive Traffic Strategies.

Where there’s money, there’s competition
In the corporate world, the presence of vast amounts of money often leads to increased competition among businesses. This is due to the fact that financial success is a key goal of almost all organizations, and the pursuit of profits can often lead to cutthroat competition as companies aim to attract the most customers and secure the largest share of the market.
Competition can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including price wars, aggressive marketing tactics, research and development investments, and even patent lawsuits. Companies may also seek to differentiate themselves from competitors by offering unique products or services, leveraging their brand reputation, or investing in customer service and support.
While competition can be beneficial for driving innovation and progress, it can also have negative consequences such as reduced quality, customer confusion, and market saturation. Therefore, it is essential for companies to strike a balance between competition and collaboration to ensure that they are able to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment. The first main challenge that we faced is that all their main commercial keywords were locked down by super-high authority websites. Imagine trying to rank on Google for a keyword like a car insurance, and page one is locked down by high domain authority sites like Geico, Allstate, Progressive, and Liberty Mutual. Yeah, sucks. And at the time, my client didn’t have a competitive level of authority, not even close. That’s like Hawkeye fighting literally anyone else in the MCU.So ranking for the main commercial keywords wasn’t feasible in the short term but this is a familiar situation in all niches, isn’t it? Just look at the keyword best protein powder. Forbes DR 94, Live Science, DR 90, New York Mag, DR 90.Good luck. So we implemented a different strategy that I’m about to show you that ended up making them more revenue regardless. The second challenge was that the finance niche is what’s considered your money, your life, and your YMYL niche.

“Mastering YMYL Niches: The Key to Futureproofing Your Website for Google’s Scrutiny”

These are topics that can affect your money or your life and attract a high level of scrutiny from Google. In Google’s quality-rated guideline document, they actually list the topic of finance directly as YMYL.In YMYL niches, you need to do everything better, better content, better links, better everything. Now the thing is if you approach all niches as if they’re YMYL, SEO becomes easy. Eventually, Google will have the resources to scrutinize every website to the highest YMYL standard and if you keep this top of mind, you futureproof your website for what’s to come. So let’s jump in, but real quick, if you appreciate actionable case studies like this, let me know by obliterating the like button. Smashing the like button is a win-win. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy but it also lets the YouTube algorithm know to send you more killer SEO content
SEO content refers to any written material, including articles, blog posts, and web pages, that is created with the goal of ranking high on search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. The purpose of SEO content is to attract organic traffic to a website through increased visibility on search engines like Google or Bing.
SEO content is created using a variety of tactics, such as thorough keyword research, strategic use of meta descriptions and title tags, and high-quality writing that incorporates relevant keywords and phrases. Additionally, SEO content often incorporates multimedia elements, such as images or videos, to make the content more engaging and shareable.
In the digital age, SEO content has become an essential tool for businesses and organizations looking to build their online presence and attract more traffic to their website. By creating high-quality, optimized content, businesses can improve their search engine rankings, increase brand awareness, and drive more targeted traffic to their website. As a result, SEO content is now a key component of many digital marketing strategies.. Let’s kick things off by breaking down SEO power hubs.

“Unlocking Valuable Traffic: How Power Hubs Can Grow Your TOFU and MOFU Keywords”

In the world of digital marketing, we have a concept called the sales funnel. At the bottom, we have what’s known as the bottom of the funnel or BOFU keywords. These are keywords like buying car insurance. When someone searches for these keywords, they’re ready to spend money. As mentioned before, the BOFU high-value keywords were already locked down by super mega authority sites. But going back to the funnel, we also have top of the funnel, TOFU, and middle of the funnel, MOFU, keywords, which are valuable as well. These would be keywords like how to get car insurance or Geico insurance alternatives. They’re not nearly as competitive but they can easily lead to sales as well. My client was lacking TOFU and MOFU keywords, leaving a lot of valuable traffic on the table. So what do we do? The obvious answer is to start writing informational content. The gangster answer is to start to grow your informational content using power hubs.

“Unlocking the Power of Hub Content for Increased Ranking in Progressive Traffic Secrets”

A power hub is made up of a single high-priority pillar article that typically has commercial intent. Around that pillar, you have a group of supplemental cluster articles that are typically informational and top-of-the-funnel in nature. These cluster articles are linked to each other as well as the pillar piece and vice versa. Now, what’s the benefit of using a configuration like this? Hold onto your but. When you design your power hubs with tightly relevant content, your chance to rank for the pillar and cluster article skyrockets. Let’s say you’re writing on the topic of car insurance. You got a pillar article on car insurance quotes. How can you find highly relevant cluster article ideas? Let’s ask ChatGPT.Yo, ChatGPT, gimme 10 article titles with informational search intent that are highly semantically relevant to car insurance quotes. And bam, these are perfect.

“Maximizing SEO Results with Power Hubs: The Benefits of Creating Relevant Article Clusters”

I especially like how to compare car insurance quotes, how to get accurate car insurance quotes and driving history, and car insurance, pure gold. And if you create your power hub with giga-relevant articles like these, each time you write a new article, all the other articles in the hub rank higher too. Have you ever heard of the term with a rising tide, all ships rise? That’s what you’re dealing with here. Another benefit of power hubs is improved crawlability. When you make life easy for Google, they make life easy for you. This type of architecture is extremely easy for the Google bot, not only to navigate your website but also to understand the relationship between articles in your hub. And lastly, power hubs have optimal internal linking. When a user lands on any article in the hub, there’s always a doorway to another article keeping them on your site longer.

“Maximizing Conversions with Power Hub Articles: A Guide by Progressive Traffic Secrets”

But you also notice that all roads lead to the pillar article hub and the hub piece is typically more commercial in nature, which is bringing readers down the funnel and closer to conversion. Think of a power hub like this. The main car insurance quote article is a bird’s eye view. It gives a brief explanation of stuff like how to compare quotes, driving history and quotes, and so forth. But in each section, it gives a link to the relevant cluster article for the full explanation. If you want an overview, you get that with a pillar piece. If you want a deep dive, you get that with the cluster articles. This ability to target both beginners and advanced users makes sure that everyone on your website has something to read. This establishes expertise in the topic, also known as a topical authority, something that Google loves. So now that you know what to write for your power hub articles, let’s take a look at how to write them.

“Analyzing Top Ranking Pages: A Smart Approach to Crafting NFT Art Articles”

You’re probably getting tired of this wildly exciting car insurance example, so I’ll switch it up.Let’s say you’re trying to write an article for how to create NFT art.Start by googling your keyword and open up the top ranking pages to analyze their content.Let’s look at this Investopedia article line by line to see what’s so good about it to warrant its position at the top of Google.This key takeaway section at the top of the article is smart, really smart.Google wants you to give quick answers to the search query.Not sure if you noticed this, but on mobile, Google has been randomly putting feedback forms on the search result asking you how easy was it to find what you were looking for on a website.That’s why the key takeaway section is so smart.Scrolling down the Investopedia article, we get the H2 headings.What is an NFT, and how do you create one?And then we get to a step-by-step process.Step one, figure out what you wanna create.Step two, choose a blockchain and so forth.

“Mastering Power Hubs: Key Outlining Tips and Interlinking Strategies for Top Google Rankings”

These subheadings tell you how you should build your outline before you start writing your article.Your content should be step-by-step and include these key points.If you use the detail plugin, you can get a snapshot of their outline structure in one single look.It also tells you how many words you should write your article as clearly, Google approves this link to answer the search query, since this article is number one and all.Once your article is written, make sure to optimize your SEO title H1 URL and meta description properly.I left a link to a full video on how to create content that gets to number one on Google in the description, so make sure to check it out after you finish here.Let’s dig into the interlinking strategies available in power hubs.Going back to that car insurance example, the basic form of the power hub looks like this.

“Maximizing Hub Content: Effective Interlinking Strategies for Progressive Traffic Secrets”

The pillar page links out to the cluster pages and vice versa while the cluster pages link to each other, but bear in mind, there’s more you can do with it.For example, you don’t have to stick to this adjacent linking pattern around the cluster pages.You can link across, left, right, up, down, BA and start.Comment if you get the reference.You can also link out to articles that aren’t part of the hub.If you have an article on traffic laws, that’s certainly relevant to car insurance, so interlink them.Likewise with auto maintenance.When it comes to the rules of interlinking, I like to keep things simple.Link relevant pages together, car insurance and traffic laws, relevant.Car insurance and car models, not so much.And link more to high-priority pages.An article with a high search volume and the ability to make you money, such as best car insurance, should have more internal links than a non-important article.

“Accelerate Your Traffic with the Site Size Explosion Technique and Backlink Strategy”

Now that you have content getting churned out with your power hub strategy, I want to show you a backlink technique that you can use in combination with it that’ll really get your traffic cooking.It’s called the site size explosion technique taken directly from my course The Affiliate Lab.Having an engineering background, I approach SEO scientifically by using single variable tests to tell me how the algorithm works.One thing I wanted to test was content velocity.If you publish fast, is that a ranking factor in itself?So I rolled out a rapid content production plan over 10 test sites to see what would happen.Results were lackluster.Over a two-month period, we doubled the size of the average site but the average weekly traffic only increased by about 7% and the average number of keywords in the top 10 increased from only 39 to 44.This is what traffic looked like for one of these test sites.But then I thought, what would happen if I started linking to this content as I produced it?

“Link Building Success: How Gaining High-Quality Links Led to a 114% Increase in Traffic in Just 40 Days”

A piece of content goes live and then it starts attracting links, giving a signal to Google that every time I produce something, the internet reacts and links to it.Here’s the results after this test pivot.After just 40 days we noticed an average increase in traffic of 114%.The number of keywords in the top 10 increased from 44 to 92 and here’s what one of their traffic graphs look like.So the name of the game is to build links to your content as your content gets published and Google will love you for it.The links we built for this case study were gained through blog outreach.Let me walk you through the process from start to finish.Step one is finding your link prospects.Who do you want to link to you?One of the best ways to figure this out is to find websites who have already linked to sites in your niche.In Ahrefs’ content explorer, type in your power hub’s main pillar topic, such as AI art generator.

“How to Find and Reach Out to Powerful Link Prospects for Your Website with Ahrefs and Hunter”

We’re looking for articles that have a decent amount of referring domains so set the referring domain filter minimum to 50.Now, find a piece of content that is similar to what you’re trying to promote and click the referring domains tab to reveal your link prospects.Another way to unearth some powerful link prospects is to use Ahrefs’ link intersect tool.Type in your competitors at the top here and then put your website down below here.This is gonna give you a list of websites that are linking to your competition but aren’t linking to you.You can sort by DR to put the highest priority prospects on top.Next, you gotta find the contact details for these sites.Here’s the easy way.If you use the Hunter Google Chrome extension, you simply go to the website and it will list out the emails associated with the domain, and you get 25 free usages per month.Next, you gotta craft your email pitch.What are you gonna write to them to get them to link to you?There’s a simple formula for this.

“Effective Link Building Strategies: Personalized Outreach for High-Quality Backlinks”

First, make the email seem personal, make it seem like you’re speaking directly to them and this isn’t just a template being spammed across the internet.Next, convince them that if they link to you, this will fix their content and benefit their audience.Here’s an example.Hello, Bob.My name is Matt and I’m the founder of Diggity Marketing and associated businesses.I really enjoyed the data you collected on SEO tool usage in your article, “Which SEO tool is the best?” which I came across while doing research on my own article about keyboard research.However, I noticed that you link to this outdated page.With this in mind, I wanted to ask if my article might be worth a mention on your page as it’s more up to date.Either way, keep up the awesome work.Look forward to hearing from you.Now it’s time to send off these emails, monitor your inbox and repeat.This framework just straight up works.Just look at the main ratings of the links we got for this client.

“How to Find and Fix Orphan Pages on Your Website for Better SEO with Sitebulb”

Next, I wanna address how to find and fix the issue of orphan pages.What’s an orphan page?It’s a page that exists on your website that has zero internal links pointing towards it, which makes it nigh impossible for Google to find it.Google has said that the main method they use to find pages is through following links, so if you don’t give them a path to your content, it’s as good as useless.Funny enough, that Yandex source code release showed that they had a negative ranking factor specifically for orphan pages.Let me show you how to use the SEO tool Sitebulb to find orphan pages.First, create a new project by entering a project name in your site’s domain.Next, go to the crawl sources tab and select XML sitemaps.This sitemap will tell the tool all the different URLs that should exist on your site.Now start to crawl your website.In the orphan pages report, you’ll get a list of lonely, sad orphan URLs.Here’s how you fix them.

“Maximizing SEO Impact: Tips for Handling Orphan Pages and Optimizing Menu Navigation”

If you want that orphan page to exist and you want it to be crawled, the easiest thing to do is interlink to it. – Well, duh. (dramatic music) (screen beeping) – And as you know already, you wanna link to it from related content.For example, if you had an orphan page on Bluetooth speakers, you can use this site: command on Google to surface all the relevant Bluetooth speaker content on your site.Now, just create that internal link and you’re done.There’s situations when you don’t want an orphan page to be crawled or indexed.For example, maybe you have a thank you page on your site for your email list.In that case, add this metatag line of code to the HTML on your page.You can also no index a page using Yoast.Lastly, if it’s just a useless orphan, good for nothing piece of Muggle content, just delete it.Next, I want to get into one of the most underrated SEO strategies, and that’s optimizing your main menu navigation.

“Optimizing Your Navigation Bar for User and Google Satisfaction: Various Styles to Choose From”

Your navigation bar is the one element of your website that offers an identical experience for both your users and Google.For users, it’s a means to find the content that they’re looking for and understand what the core pages are on your site.For Google, it’s all that, plus a means to understand the hierarchy and structure of your website.Optimize it correctly and you’ll make both your users and Google happy.You have various types of navigation styles to choose from.Horizontal navigation is the most common.Side-by-side menu items at the top of the webpage.Easy, breezy and simple for the users.Websites with a more complex architecture and multi-levels of categorization would opt for a dropdown navigation where primary categories expand into subcategories.This gives users a more detailed way to find what they’re looking for.That said, more choices equals more indecision.

“Revamp Your Navigation Bar: Tips for Improving User Experience and SEO Ranking”

Twitter has a vertical navigation bar, which gives more prominence and real estate to its main value: that dopamine-delivering tweet feed.And lastly, we have hamburger navigations, which are popular on mobile because they can be compacted and expanded with ease.Here’s how to take your navigation game to the next level.Pet peeve.Avoid using generic labels, such as what we do within your main menu because it doesn’t actually describe what you do at all.Actually write your products and services in the navigation bar, whether that be directly or with a dropdown, to make it easy as possible for both your users and Google to know what the (beep) you do.Also, avoid overcrowding your navigation with too many items like this website here.Lots of these labels look like the exact same thing.And how is Google supposed to know which pages are important for the site?

“Boost Organic Traffic by 80% with Strategic Navigation and Link Building Tactics”

Instead, carefully select what goes on your navigation bar and everyone will understand your priority pages, customers and Google included.As a general rule of thumb, you’ll find that most sites have between five and eight items on their nav bars.This next tip leverages human psychology.You wanna know why contact is usually found at the end of a mini bar?Studies have shown that humans tend to retain the beginnings and ends of things better than the middle.It’s called the recency and primacy effect.So put your most important menu items at the beginning and the end.After executing all these strategies from power hubs to outreach link building, we were able to increase this client’s organic traffic by 80% in one of the hardest niches on the planet.If you’d like us to do this for you, head on over to and get in touch by using the form.I’d be happy to take a look at your site..

Read More: How I Got +80% Traffic in the Hardest Niche Ever!

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