ssential TIKTOK Marketing Tips and Strategies for 2024

The 5 Types of Creative Thinkers

We all have a creative genius inside of us. Just like Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, creativity is also measured in many unique ways. This means that the creative process works differently for everyone. Are you wondering what yours looks like? Here are the five types of creative thinkers; one: The lateral thinker. This is…

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    Evaluating Websites (for Elementary students)

    [MUSIC PLAYING] If a student on your school playground started talking to you about how polar bears are moving into people’s backyards and eating out of their garbage, you’d probably want to know more about this student, and if this information were true before you took it seriously. The same goes for websites. There is…

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      Traffic Sustainable Monetized Websites

      Higher Impressions Of Ads Why marketers should be obsessed with the click-through rate Higher impressions of ads Click-through rate is one of the most important metrics in internet marketing. The bad thing is that they are often ignored and therefore their full potential is not fully explored. There is a reason why any marketer needs…

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